Profile For Norm S.

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Posted:  7 years, 4 months ago

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Load boards for new OO

Norm, not trying to be mean here but brutally honest. If you're asking that question, you are NOT ready to go O/O.

How do you learn without asking questions? Would appreciate an answer.

Posted:  7 years, 4 months ago

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Load boards for new OO

I have been a company driver for just over 2 years now for a large company. I am ready to make the move to OO. I am questioning how the load boards work. As a new OO, does the shipper see information on my experience and if they do, how likely is the shipper to ignore my bids and chose another truck? Does a new OO have to bid low to get loads? Does the board show what others have bid for the same load? Any other info is appreciated. Thanks

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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SwiftTrans and Knight Transportation To Merge

What is the loyalty bonus to eligible drivers?

Posted:  8 years ago

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SWIFT bronze, silver, gold mileage increase

At what point should I make the decision to move on to another company? The last thing I want to do was jump around from company to company.

Posted:  8 years ago

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SWIFT bronze, silver, gold mileage increase

I am averaging about 2000 miles per week. I will get weeks at 1500 then the next will be around 2500 or higher My total mileage towards gold went down by 2000 on monday.

Posted:  8 years ago

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SWIFT bronze, silver, gold mileage increase

I do understand about the miles. But how long did it take for you to get to gold and MC1371, how did you get to platinum so soon and how long did it take to get to gold and then platinum

Posted:  8 years ago

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SWIFT bronze, silver, gold mileage increase

Did it take a year and a half to get to the gold level? Am I expecting it too soon?

Thank you for your replies.

Posted:  8 years ago

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SWIFT bronze, silver, gold mileage increase

I have been with swift for 1.5 years and can't seem to get to the gold level for mileage increase.

I have 100% on time and no crashes , accidents or tickets Everytime I get close to the 102000 miles in a 52 week period, I end up sitting on a load for couple days or waiting for a new load resulting in a low mileage week. It seems to happen every time I am out (usually 5 to 6 weeks out, 5-6 days home) Today, I am waiting on repairs to my truck. At the end of these bad weeks my total miles in the 52 week period goes down.

Has anyone had experience with this? Has anyone gotten gold without the mileage requirement?

I dont want to leave swift (this is my first driving job). I didn't intend to go from one company to another, but others are offering higher pay.

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