Just wanted to say thanks to the guys putting this information out here. After looking through your info on the different companies and schools out there I picked Prime because I like the way they run their "school" mostly from the inside of a truck and the 1 to 1 trainer/student ratio. Your site made it a lot easier to evaluate the different options and today I was accepted to begin training in Salt Lake City April 10th. So a big THANKS and I'll keep checking your site out.
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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Got accepted by Prime for Training
Just wanted to say thanks to the guys putting this information out here. After looking through your info on the different companies and schools out there I picked Prime because I like the way they run their "school" mostly from the inside of a truck and the 1 to 1 trainer/student ratio. Your site made it a lot easier to evaluate the different options and today I was accepted to begin training in Salt Lake City April 10th. So a big THANKS and I'll keep checking your site out.
Just Jack