Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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Kat H. On The Web
I have always wanted to drive for a living. Grew up on a farm and was steering a little Case tractor while my dad heaved haybales on a sled to put up for the winter to feed the cattle. I was always at my dad's side always asking questions always "helping"
At 14 I was taught to drive with a standard car. Because, I was told, then you'll never forget how. I began to drive just about anything that had an engine. I love driving and I was very sure I would someday be a big rig driver. However I was told it would be impossible because iI was the wrong gender.
I bought an RV about 15 years ago and I remember feeling so proud and happy just to drive. Recently a friend invited me to hop along and go with him for an overnight trip. I was so happy ! I enjoyed every minute.
Then it dawned on me that I once had this dream! The dream stirred my enthusiasm, but Alas! So did all the negative memories of it being impossible, and how I was now too old, weak, incapable, etc.
Then I investigated the possibilities. I believe that there is nothing that I can not overcome at this point. I know I have the intelligence and desire. I have nothing to hold me back. I have everything to gain. Even money is not a priority and I have nothing but time and desire to succeed.
I plan to be the safest, most reliable, responsible solo OTR driver on the road.
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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Kudos to all the great writers!
I have spent considerable time reading many of the great writing. Social media allows one the option of appreciating an offering- but it is not so here. I just wanted to take a moment and let those who have contributed their precious time and effort to share what they have learned. Even to the point of the embarrassing ones! THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!
I am learning so much from all of you!
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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I was going through each of these with great enthusiasm- sadly the Pictures do not show
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Why not to start out in an automatic truck
I try to teach all my trainees to float em. I'll admit driving a big truck is something that takes getting use to and I'm still learning things but I'm amazed at how many folks try just holding the clutch in while changing gears.
Christopher, I seldom even use the clutch when driving a standard transmission truck. You need to get someone to show you how to "float" the gears. You really only need to use that clutch when starting from a stop or when coming to a stop.
I have it on good authority that you will not be allowed to Float the gears while being tested by a DOT Examiner. I agree that if you possibly can- test standard. And float your career!
I myself have some issues with my "clutch leg" and opted for Auto. I have that restriction- and, it is actually my choice. Now I'm 2 weeks out of school and STILL have not landed a position with anyone because --
Either they only do orientation with Standard transmissions (West Side Transport) OR they require stringent agility like stepping up on a 12 inch box for 2 minutes without any supporting contact. (Shnieder) I need to climb into a truck and often a trailer- and it is no problem with the 3-point contact as required. And yet both these companies have mostly automatic trucks.
I understand that great agility is required for some jobs- and rightly so- those jobs ought to pay better than someone driving as "no touch " and "hook and drop". It frustrates me that I am having such a challenge getting my foot in the door. I know that I would be an excellent addition to any business.
Oh, I did have an offer to work for someone who I will name Shady who was going to teach me to fudge log books and skirt weight stations. I spent a week observing and talking to his drivers and decided that I would never work for someone like that. I feel that it's my reputation on the line.
So- I'm still hoping.
And looking
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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New dvr age 64 How to pass company requirements?
I've never heard of age discrimination in Trucking. That being said, what companies have you applied to or been sent home from orientation from? What type of freight are you wanting to haul? Are you having trouble with the DOT physical? Need more information please.
I passed DOT no problem. I desire no touch drop and hook OTR eventually. I'm not trying to be unrealistic. But to step up on a 12 inch box without any contact is more than I can do. Schnieder is one of the companies that requires that
Other tests to meet abilities to climb in and out of the tractor and trailer are not a problem.
I found one co West Side transport who do not require super agility But they only orientation with standard transmission and I am rather short and opted for automatic - which they have. So again I feel short -changed so to speak
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Making the Sleeper Cozy Like your Home
Geez Persian......you just uncovered a simple and obvious idea that I had totally missed. Although we have an awesome list of Items To Bring To CDL School, Training, and OTR and a great list of Winter Driving Tips & Items To Bring, we don't have anything to show what people already have in their truck. We should maybe start a new conversation just for that.
I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or serious...
I'm being totally serious. People that have never driven trucks or lived on the road have no clue what the inside of a truck looks like or how it's organized. The first time I ever saw the inside of a big rig was the first time I climbed into one at truck driving school. I had no clue what they were like. So I think people would totally dig seeing how people mount their television, refrigerator, inverter, and all that.....clothing, snacks, the whole deal.
Great advice! Seriously taken
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Good advice-- VISINE is not recommended, however.
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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It could be the cause of a number of things- dry eye is common. Go to the isle in a pharmacy and look for Systane Ultra- in gel- for night- and in regular drops ofr anytime day use. It is made for contacts so it is safe in all cases. Also use Bio-True as a wash for your eyes- and sinuses- They are connected!! You might have a bit of a fungus and Bio- true can be used as a wash that will prevent- and cure if that is the case. It also will prevent and cure pink-eye!
Hope you get relief!
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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New CDL Holder - Now I need a job!
@millionmiler24- Aw I like your ambition. and I am willing to co-operate with you- I should have stated that I will be driving automatic trucks only. Teaming with someone whose preferences are like yours could very well work for me. Driving to a drive start point is also no problem for me. I live just outside of Davenport!.... text me @3095584633 and let's meet up!
I was initially rejected by the company you are with- based I think on that there was absolutely nothing in the reports they found of me re- work history, credit, etc. And I trained side by side with their crew at Hawkeye! So I got to know a number of the trainers there! I paid my own way and I took time to select the best school in the business.
@Susan D. Thanks for the advice and encouragement! I will definitely check them out! I don't have and illusions about landing my dream come true immediately, either - I know that there is a lot of proving I need to accomplish.
I just had a call from CR England and they have realistic expectations for me. Income in the end is the gravy- I just want to be the best driver and do a good job. I know there are great companies out there- I just need to find the one that is comparable.
I'll let you know how it unfolds- perhaps there will be others who like myself have a lot to offer and don't have the muscle, but instead offer real life experience that can over-ride brute strength requirements.
Posted: 6 years, 11 months ago
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Article By Old School: Do I Have What It Takes To Be A Successful Truck Driver?
Great writing and very helpful, thank you.