Profile For TommyGun

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    Central, FL

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    Experienced Driver

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If the nature of trucking isn't a philisophical way to describe life, I don't know what is.

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Posted:  5 years, 7 months ago

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Two Years Of Trucking (Video)

TommyGun: That was awesome!!!! Really cool how you did that. (The plot and dialogue were a little weak, though. Lol.)

Thats truck driving. xD

Posted:  5 years, 7 months ago

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Worst bottleneck I deal with now is between Gary, IN and I-294 interchange on I-80 at the Indiana/Illinois line.

Both ways, from around 0900 to 1800. Wrecks happen all the time on that stretch of road.

Same with I-465/I-865 interchange in northern Indianapolis.

Posted:  5 years, 7 months ago

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Crap Companies

I will agree at truck stops and your terminal, you will see your share of rats. Every so often I'm routed back to my terminal for training, and in the drivers lounge, you'll see the same 2-3 people *****ing about this or that. Or how this job/that job sucks, etc.

I'm of the opinion while you're on company time/property, you need to remain a professional.

I've been driving for Stevens Transport for almost 3 years. I'm holding out for Walmart because it fits my needs better as a driver.

Until then, I'm quietly doing my job and waiting for the call.

If you don't like your location/vocation; change either/or/both. It's up to you.

Posted:  5 years, 7 months ago

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Two Years Of Trucking (Video)

Took a bunch of dashcam footage and came up with a compilation. No, I don't fancy myself as the next 'trucker youtuber', just wanted to show some highlights of OTR.

You've guys have seen what I've seen, been where I've been, and then some.

Let me know what you think. Enjoy. :)

Posted:  5 years, 11 months ago

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Chicago first time




Another notch on the belt Bruce!

Way to go!




Talking about belt notches, it has been six months since I started this odyssey and at my recent check up I’ve only gained 3 pounds. But that doesn’t help with the 20 I need to lose.

But that’s a whole ‘nother discussion.

It makes me nervous when you guys tell me that there are worse places to go to in Chicago. If I get another load there I might have to invoke my stop work authority! 😝


LOOP Recycling on 47th Ave is a fun one. Not a difficult back. Right off of 290 just on the other side of 294. Just nowhere to stage. Also have to back off the road. It is a major Thruway to one of the smaller intermodal yards. So you have trucks and cars trying to race by you while you are setting up to back. Btw, the Chicago intermodal Drivers have a screw loose. Give them an inch and they will try to put their tractor thru it.

I work Chicago Intermodal for Stevens. I thought the Northeast was hard, but Intermodal you have guys racing 200 mph through the railyard. Some crazy stuff.

Posted:  6 years ago

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Resistance bands and jump rope.

Dont weight anything and easily storable.

A fitness mat might be a good choice too.

Posted:  6 years, 3 months ago

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Electric blanket.

My first truck had all kinds of issues; not the least of which the heater worked when it felt like it.

Posted:  6 years, 4 months ago

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Winter is coming!

January will mark two years in the business for me.

I still absolutely respect mountain grades, and icy/snow conditions.

Can't mess around with that stuff. Its an awful expedient way to die if you don't.

Posted:  6 years, 4 months ago

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Approaching 2 yrs...Looking for local work.

Hey guys, in January, my 2 years with Stevens will be complete, and I'll be looking to get home for a more local gig.

I'm looking for something that will get me home every night, or on the weekends. Also looking for more pay and decent benefits. I live in Central FL, south of Orlando.

I've worked OTR, been on loan to dedicated, and currently work the intermodal circuit in Chicago. All with reefer trailers, but I have my HAZMAT/Tanker endorsement as well.

I have a good reputation with my company, never refused a load, clean MVR, clean CSA score.

I don't regret my choice going with Stevens, but its time for this road dog to go home. This job has made me utterly thankful for the family I have, and I hope to start my own family one day.

You think I can find work? :)

Posted:  6 years, 4 months ago

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Driver Facing Camera

My opinion is; forward facing, okay.

Driver facing; no way.

There was talk of driver facing cams at Stevens, a lot of the lady truckers vehemently opposed them, and that was that.

Sorry, you have GPS, you have access to temps of the reefer, and you see what I see. On ours they have collision detection and lane detection.

Can I have at least part of my day not under 24 hr surveilance?

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