Profile For powerstroke67

powerstroke67's Info

  • Location:
    Cincinnati, OH

  • Driving Status:
    In CDL School

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  • Joined Us:
    7 years, 12 months ago

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Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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Getting cdl permit before going to school

I’m in CDL school now and I highly recommend to anyone if possible obtain your CDL permit with as many endorsements as possible prior to going to school ( I’m not sure if this is alright with company sponsored out of state schools). The first step I took was to get my DOT physical to see if I was even able to drive. Once I obtained that I then started looking at schools which I knew I was going to pay out of pocket for. Once I decided on a school and got myself enrolled I started studying the CDL practice tests both online and with my Android phone as well as reading/studying the Ohio CDL book that I picked up at the local BMV. A couple weeks before my school started I went to the BMV and took all six tests for the state of Ohio and passed them. I brought my DOT card with me so they could enter that into the system when the processed my permit (not needed but was told by another driver that it is a good idea). When I finally got to school having my permit did two things for me. I knew the information so I was a bit ahead of the process and by the instructor teaching the same information that I learned I felt more and more comfortable with what I just studied and tested on. By no means did I slack off and think I knew it all. I saw individuals struggling with learning and remembering all the test questions and some of them fell behind. One thing to note is that CDL School is a lot faster pace than studying the questions on your own prior. So, go get it! and Good luck!

Posted:  7 years, 12 months ago

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Call trucking company recruiters now while in CDL school or wait until after I obtain my CDL license?

Hey folks, I’m new here and I’m getting ready to start CDL school here in southern Ohio. I have obtained my DOT medical card and passed all the six tests and have my CDL permit.

I have done a ton of research on companies and created a document with questions I will ask recruiters when I call them.

My question is do I start calling and talking with the company recruiters now, or wait until I have passed my driving tests and have my CDL-A with endorsements in hand?

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