Seattle, WA
Driving Status:
Experienced Driver
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Keith S. On The Web
No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 7 years, 12 months ago
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How to have a bad day at the Wyoming POE!!!
You would not believe how many drivers do not pay attention to their mirrors.
We once had a veteran driver in here years ago say, "I don't worry about my mirrors going down the highway. You can't do anything about what's behind you."
I thought I was gonna die when I read that. I must have read it five times thinking I've missed a key word or something. But nope, even a driver with several years of experience saw no value in watching their mirrors while you're driving. I can promise you I avoided numerous wrecks over the years because I was aware of what was going on behind me and was able to compensate for those vehicles when making decisions in a tough spot.
That is crazy talk. I remember an old movie about a car race across the country (can't remember the name of it) where one of the drivers gets in his car and tears out the rear-view mirror. He says, "The first-a rule of Italian driving is, what's-a behind you isn't important!" Maybe that's where that driver got the idea. Was he Italian?
Posted: 7 years, 12 months ago
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How to have a bad day at the Wyoming POE!!!
I will share a story about one prospective client and the importance of rear view mirrors: while walking on trying to get some insurance because he was getting cancelled by current company meaning cancellation of DOT authority, I noticed a 1 million dollars claim that was paid out. when I asked him what happened to that claim? he explained to me that an employee was guiding him from behind the truck and he was using his voice to follow the directions being giving. I said you were at least monitoring your mirrors right? he said no I was going by his voice and then suddenly he stopped hearing him. I asked and? he said when he did stop hearing him he got out of the truck and the guy was dead under his wheel.... I don't want to put all the gruesome claims I see on here but please : USE YOUR MIRRORS ..... ALL DAY EVERY DAY... I LOVE MY TRUCKERS
You would not believe how many drivers do not pay attention to their mirrors.
We once had a veteran driver in here years ago say, "I don't worry about my mirrors going down the highway. You can't do anything about what's behind you."
I thought I was gonna die when I read that. I must have read it five times thinking I've missed a key word or something. But nope, even a driver with several years of experience saw no value in watching their mirrors while you're driving. I can promise you I avoided numerous wrecks over the years because I was aware of what was going on behind me and was able to compensate for those vehicles when making decisions in a tough spot.
I will take this one step further; I do not allow anyone that close to my truck when backing it. No one! Not monitoring the mirrors while backing is totally unacceptable, the guy you were working with should be required to go back to school, very basic stuff.
There is one particular store (underground warehouse and dock), where I have pulled the brakes and requested the employees attempting to direct me (which was not requested or even needed), to please step to the side, until I safely docked.
Number one rule; the driver is 100% responsible and accountable for managing the spaces around their truck.
Totally agree. My rule is if you are guiding me, please don't. I can back my truck without your help, thanks. I know you're trying to be helpful, but you're not. I'm not trying to be rude, but please get out of the way of my truck. I will pull my brakes and get out to come looking for you and to ask you to move if you try to guide me.
If I'm not sure I'm going to clear something, I'll stop and get out and look (GOAL). My truck can only have one driver, and you're not it. If I know you're back there somewhere but I can't see you (off to the side or in my mirrors), then my truck is not going to move backwards.
There have been a lot of people who have been killed by tracks that are being backed. I don't ever want to be the driver who runs someone over or the one who gets run over.
Sometimes you have to say all of this to someone so they don't get mad at you, because they've been "helping" drivers for years and no one has ever refused their help. Sometimes they stay mad at you. Better mad than dead.
Posted: 8 years ago
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Frustrations with Werner Enterprises, I'm finished with them
I have been lurking here for a while, but this one made me sign up to reply. Buddy, you've gotten some real good advice here but you just keep yammering on about how you hope it turns out. No one here can tell you how this Wadhams company is going to work out for you.
Stop talking and start listening. You need to drive for a while and learn something. Good luck with your new job.
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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Just a funny trucking picture to brighten your day