Pensacola, FL
Driving Status:
Preparing For School
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Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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Will I learn everything about every control inside a truck?
One more thing, after some thought I would like you all to know that I regret hijacking Oscar Grahm The 3rd's thread to introduce myself. I'm at work now but when I have a chance I will start my own post as soon as possible with a little info about myself and what I've learned from all you knowledgeable people so far. Thanks
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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Will I learn everything about every control inside a truck?
Hello all Im Chris from Florida and Ive been lurking in the background reading for a few months now. I personally would like to thank you Oscar for motivating me to finally post or reply in this case. Anyways just wanted you to know that I'm with G Town and Old School I'm done too. Are you really even serious or are you just pulling peoples legs trying to get a response? I've been following you for a while now for the entertainment value but I'm really starting to get a headache. Other than that to Brett what a wonderful website and to all the moderators thank you for all the information. Everything has been beyond valuable and I believe it will help me greatly in the future. Looking forward to sponging up all of your thoughts and ideas as I get closer to my own adventure. Thank you all. P.S. I need a cool handle!
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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What are the rules for posting here?
Oscar Grant The 3rd,you made a promise to Brett and everyone else on here. I do not believe that you've read everything that you "promised you would" or you couldn't possibly still be rambling on the way that you have been good sir.