Profile For Ben H.

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    7 years, 12 months ago

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Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Creepy abandoned amusement park

Drive right by there a couple times a year on my way to Knoxville. I'll have to check it out sometime. I like creepy places.

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Anyone go into Trucking from career burnout?

Same for me. After 14 years as a regional salesman, I decided to make the switch. Got tired of looking for a new job every couple years due to downsizing and corporate takeovers. Best part of my job the last few years had been behind the wheel. Been talking about it for about 5 years now and my wife finally gave the green light to get my CDL. Just finished up my second week of school and can't wait to hit the road the end of summer.

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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And so it begins...

Well my journey began this week. I finalized the paperwork for my CDL training that I begin the end of May. Tomorrow I start calling recruiters to figure out which of my finalists make the cut. After all my exhaustive research and with the help of y'all, I've narrowed my list of companies down to the following:

J&R Schugel Abilene Britton Bryan Systems Cheesman Transport

I can't remember the last time I was this excited about future possibilities. Can't wait to become a part of the fraternity of drivers.

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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My there sure is a lot of info out there...

Coming across your training blog is what made me look at HOW. Talked a bit with Carol this morning.

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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My there sure is a lot of info out there...

After having a some serious reflection time, I'm leaving the last 15 years of a sales career behind the start a career in driving. I realized that the part of my day I enjoyed the most was when I was behind the wheel, so why not do aomething that will pay me to do just that.

Been researching like mad the last few weeks (about 14-16 hrs a day) about the industry, companies, cdl training, truck brands, equipment and the like. I go meet with the school I've selected next Monday to get that process rolling.

I've also narrowed down my company list to call recruiters and I wanted to see what opinions from current and former drivers of these companies. I would like to haul dry van, be out 6 to 7 seven days with a couple home and drive as many states as possible with the exception of the east coast.

H O Wolding Abilene J & R Schugel Werner Knight

Thanks everyone.

Posted:  7 years, 12 months ago

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Suggestions and Advice Welcome

Evening everyone, newbie here. After earning my Bachelor's, for the last 15 years I have worked as a regional salesman in various industries, both as an employee and business owner. Over the last 6-8 years, I have become more and more disenfranchised with the profession as a whole. I just don't enjoy it like I used to. I have always enjoyed being behind the wheel (typically 30k-40k miles/year for work) and have often thought about switching to driving. I just recently was let go from my job and have finally had it with the prospect of having to search for the next "sales" job that provides terrible training and not many prospects as far as a career. My wife and I talked about me getting my CDL a few years and she has now given me her blessing now that the kids are a little bit older. I am leaning towards attending school at the Trainco in Perrysburg. I live about an hour from there and can take night classes making it easier to help getting the kids to and from school. I do have a few questions though.

Will Trainco prepare me for the road test and for an entry level position?

The more I've thought about it, I would like to look at starting in food grade tankers. I live in northern Ohio near the Indiana border. I am near the following metro areas: Fort Wayne - 1 hr Toledo - 1 hr Lima - 1 hr Findlay - 1.5 hr Dayton - 2.5 hr Any suggestions on which outfits to look at?

Any other suggestions and advice are always welcome.

Thanks everyone.

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