Profile For Bruce B.

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    7 years, 11 months ago

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Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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What if I only want to drive locally?

I don't want to target anyone's specific reply so I'll just make this new one. The first post I made inquiring about ways to get started and trained, was very supportive and lots of great advice. Now there is this post. Sure, I'm being told the reality - but the reality that I am being told... well, for lack of a better term - stinks. Sounds like I am told I have to play this little game if I want to work the way I need to work. And since YOU had to suffer you want everyone else after you to suffer too. Like I said, perhaps I'm pursuing the wrong industry, if people are being forced to make this "rite of passage", having to to a job function they are not interested in at all. Just because these companies are doing that doesn't mean it is right, or fair, or should be "acceptable". That is being forced on drivers, and I am sure there are plenty who would rather not have it that way. I can tell by some of the tones that some of you are telling me how it is, but you don't like it either.

I am sorry but being forced to do a job that is nothing like the one you are interested in for a year doesn't sound like it makes you "better". It sounds like it makes you better at THAT job. I might be new but I know that local driving and OTR driving are two completely different disciplines. Lets be real and just say that is what companies are doing to drivers - not make a weird leap in logic and state that it makes you some kind of "better driver". If that were the case why are there so many OTR drivers causing so many accidents? Accidents are avoided by good, attentive driving, not a year of OTR driving.

In a strange way you guys let me know something - your not in control of your working situation. When you are first inquiring about driving that's the lie you are told. But if you cannot apply for a certain type of job unless you've done something totally unrelated I don't see how that is "independence". I'm not trying to be a driver to play games, and I'm not here to suck the cohones of some company. I don't care about this "newbie" philosophy either. I could care less what a "lot of newbies think". I look for work that I want to do, I'm not some "patriot" for the company. The fact is, I only want a local job, and that is it. if that's not possible then I can accept that this is not my industry of choice. Now, I will go to the local section, and converse over there. Thank you all.

Posted:  7 years, 10 months ago

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What if I only want to drive locally?

I am trying to figure out what is becoming a puzzle to me... I want to be a local driver. I don't want OTR work. I just want to drive locally, a "regular" shift and come home. I know it won't pay 100K+, and that is fine (I'm not looking for $10.00 hour either - lets not get crazy...). Problem is I keep running into these "companies" who want to have you doing overnights, weeks, even month long runs and I am NOT interested. I had this one company ask me when I was available to work. They got all happy when I said immediately - and THEN drop a bomb on me, telling me I had to go to Utah for 3 weeks (I'm in Georgia). I still have to get my CDL A, which I don't see as a problem, but then there is the physical training. Obviously I don't have a big rig parked in my driveway so I'm looking at places to get all that training, and endorsements (I had a lot of great help in my other post, btw). But now the problem is expectations from these companies providing "training". If they all expect me to drive cross country for them, even though that is not my goal by any stretch of the imagination - then maybe I'm in the wrong industry? I hate to think that, but unless someone can tell me better - how can I get all of my required skills and endorsements without being forced, at some point, to drive for days or weeks at a time??? That doesn't help me get where I want to be at all.

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Beginning truck driving - School or on the Job training?

I'm in Georgia and I am just starting out on the road (pun intended). I am preparing to get my CDL (without schooling) of course that really means my CDP (Student permit). So after that I need to get hands on training. I had two conflicting advice's from different sources. One told me don't get "ripped off by a driving school (well both said that) and suggested I take a job looking for student drivers, which will train and pay me at the same time. That sounded good, coming from someone who has not spent 1 second in the business. the other source said don't go to a PRIVATE" school, but go to a Community college and take a course there. He said the private course are rip offs and there is not enough time to really learn what you are doing. He also said community college courses finish you with all of your endorsements and you are completely ready to drive independently when you finish. His counter advice to the other person was these companies hire student drivers for "insurance reasons", and so they can pay someone less than a non-student driver. so now I'm trying to figure out what really is the best route - is there a company out there hiring student drivers who really intends to make them competent, fully endorsed drivers, giving them the time to learn and upping their compensation accordingly at completion of a REAL program? or does that NOT exist, and instead I need to look into a reliable learning resource before taking any type of job? I have to weigh the value of taking a three month course against taking a job that pays and trains - but it all depends on if there are honest joes out there on both sides. Any advice?

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