Profile For R. Picante

R. Picante's Info

  • Location:
    Hampton Roads and Northern VA, VA

  • Driving Status:
    Company Driver In Training

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  • Joined Us:
    11 years, 6 months ago

R. Picante's Bio

Just started and I love this job! Seeing this beautiful country had get me wanting to do better with my life and really push my other project to happen in life.

Follow me on FB, IG, YouTube @ThePicanteProject and Twitter @PicanteProject

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Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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Advice on Averitt *one year driving exp on December * looking to switch companies *

Rolling thunder how is the company overall? You do OTR or regional with them?

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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Advice on Averitt *one year driving exp on December * looking to switch companies *

On the site says 90% no touch freight. But I think that's for box/reefer. Company flatbed coverage includes 15-states; AL, GA, IL, IN, KY, MD, MS, NC, NJ, OH, PA, SC, TN, VA, WV. No NYC or Canada!

Here's the link to site for further info. Like I said I will call for more info.

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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Advice on Averitt *one year driving exp on December * looking to switch companies *

What dose LTL stand for? I'm call and ask few question, just working on that list of what to ask first.

Posted:  10 years, 5 months ago

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Advice on Averitt *one year driving exp on December * looking to switch companies *

Im coming up on my one year driving experience flatbed with Prime. However this OTR is killing me! Family and friend snd freling lonely and my passion for filming and photography took a hard hit. I see averitt has Regonal Flatbed same pay, home every werk or every two weeks. Great benefits. Average miles is what i get now. So i can see this as a s good switch!

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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Living In The Truck

I use my mother house as a permanent address and for my mail. She also picks me up from the shopping center where I park my truck during my down time. Do laundry and eat nice home cook meal. But my bed room is now a guest room and all my stuff are in the garage. And I love this life style, did take a while to get use to it but my truck is my new home. Prefer my truck then a motel. Unless I'm home or in diffrent city.

Posted:  10 years, 6 months ago

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Prime gives all drivers a raise!

Woo hoo! I'm call to see when this pay raise takes effect! Extra cent per mile I'm hype!

Posted:  10 years, 12 months ago

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Solo in few days. But flatbed and online school?!

Yea I'm not much a fan of school. I was learning more on Associated Degree just so I can be more prepared you know. But I love this job and I sure do want to branch out and do other things in life

Posted:  11 years ago

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Solo in few days. But flatbed and online school?!

So I'm at prime doing this extra stuff that they want. Get my truck in few days. Eager to set it up and get my 39" tv in there lol. I've already started today on one thing I've been trying to get started. And hope later this year start up my first small business. Which leads me to my all important questions. I do flatbed but has anybody done online classes. I'm thinking may just aim for my Masters in Business Administration. And when I get it leave this trucking thing and go on with other projects I want to do with my life. Thanks for any input!

Posted:  11 years ago

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Puppies/Dogs on the road questions

Guyjax sweet dog. I've had a huskey before but slip my mind that they get pretty big! And she'd too guess it's been a while. Guess I should look for smaller dog. Thanks everybody for the advice.

Posted:  11 years ago

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Puppies/Dogs on the road questions

I'm be come a solo driver in next two weeks. I've been thinking about a pet n snake just seem like to much with all the special care. So back to thinking about a dog. Been long time since I've had one but how hard is it to train a dog while in a truck? Don't wanna look back n see #1 and #2 on floor of my truck! Thinking about a Siberia husky puppy. Good way to work out as well going for a run with the pup and provide companionship. And another thing water bowl?!?! Think it would be bad ideal spilling everywhere.. and about bathing your pet?

so how did you train your pet and any compromise that have to be made for for dog? Or anything else would be useful to know as well. And yess I'm allowed to have a pet with a deposit down.

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