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Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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I shut down and ruined my service record due to fatigue!

Werner, Old School isn't a dispatcher but my wife is. Yes, my wife manages a fleet of trucks every day of her life, even on her days off if there's an issue.

We get it, if you're too tired then don't drive. But after 8 hours of rest.... com'n.

You have no idea how many phone calls and how many strings my wife would have to pull to justify this one to the consignee. She would literally be on the phone for hours talking with several different people, and each one would be chewing her ear off, for something like this. Believe me, I am in her office almost daily.

You're not too tired to drive, you're just a bad driver. I just began my shift at my local job and I have 11 more hours of night shift to go and a whole lot of work. Yeah, I'm tired considering it has been a long, physical week in this scorching heat. But I'm an adult and I have bills to pay.

I'm not sure the point of your story , you mean your wife has to do her job ? Things don't always run smoothly or as planned otherwise i doubt she would have much to do.

And for explaing all she has to say is , driver got fatigued and that's that. If people are being rude to her she should polity ask them to be kind or hang up and refuse to do business with them unless they can act more professional .

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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I shut down and ruined my service record due to fatigue!


The fact that you're trying to make me come off as irritability and lazy really shows me that you are no professional driver


And of course this is classic because as I've stated, Old School is the epitome of a professional driver. They don't come any better.

Back in the day they used to say, "If you can't run with the big dogs, stay on the porch" ......and I would add "and criticize the big dogs, pretending you choose not to be one because you care too much about safety"

If you honestly feel he is the epitome of a professional driver , you're just as bad as him. The fact he would try to make out a driver as a villain doing the safe thing is in no way professional conduct.

We also don't get paid by the hour because it's a lot cheaper for companies to pay by the mile , truckers would work a lot safer if paid by the hour since they wouldn't have a need to do short cuts or drive a little faster than conditions warrant to get more miles. Me shutting down makes no sense for your augment since I wouldn't be getting paid either way since dot was off duty time.

What I did was the equivalent of a fast food worker leaving mod shift because they felt sick. I bet you would say the fast food worker was being lazy, even though they could spread their illness easily being in the food service industry.

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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I shut down and ruined my service record due to fatigue!


Sure I'm afraid of being fired now, not because I refused to drive illegally but because I didn't make delv time


This just gets richer! The problem is not that you "didn't" make your delivery time. The problem is that you "refused" to make it, even after getting eight hours of rest!

Are you a dispatcher ? Fact is if you push yourself or ever put this job before your own personal health or well being , you are the reason we need more regulations in this industry .

The fact that you're trying to make me come off as irrtabile and lazy really shows me that you are no professional driver , a driver must be fully alert when driving and always planning 13 sec ahead. You know how often I checked my passagenger mirror before I shut down? I couldn't even tell you it was that low, but I would easily say less than 120 times an hour .

Pushing yourself when you know you are not driving in a safe manner is never good , and anyone who does it should have their drivers license and not just cdl taken away.

So I shut down for a 2 hour nap, try and make me out as a villain all you want. You're just showing your true colors .

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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I shut down and ruined my service record due to fatigue!

Yes I risked my job when I could have easily pushed myself , but if I ever feel I'm truly unsafe to drive I won't.

I got my 8 hours, had my coffee, had my breakfast yet I just felt tired and upset and found my mind drifting well driving , so I said screw this load I'm not driving !

Sure I'm afraid of being fired now, not because I refused to drive illegally but because I didn't make delv time.

Anyhow the point of this word salad is, always risk your job and not others lifes.

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Does driving off duty start your 14 hr clock?

Well that wasn't in the op, anyhow regardless of company policy they can't force you to log falsly, if op chooses to move they need to call their logs department or whoever is in charge of his eld and have them change it to off duty.


It won't start your 14 hour clock and who ever said it did honestly needs to go back and study the rules.


Werner, the question was not asked in reference to the rules. It was asked in reference to how their ELD system works. So, there is a way to log "off duty driving" so that you will not inadvertently start your 24 hour clock.

It is important that each driver knows how his company expects this to be logged, and under what circumstances it can be done.

As far as the D.O.T. officer's interpretation... at this point it's anybody's guess.

My opinion is that off duty driving should be used in a very limited way. I think over the last twelve months I used it three times, and each of those times I was on the road doing a 34 hour reset. I was bob tail without a load or pre-plan dispatched to me.

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Does driving off duty start your 14 hr clock?

There is no such thing as off duty drive in a lognook, it's just off duty time.

It won't start your 14 hour clock and who ever said it did honestly needs to go back and study the rules.

Theirs also no limit to how far you can travel, well there is and it's a "short distance" , whatever that means.

Got to my receiver way early, got unloaded, and now I've been done for awhile. Through all of that my 10 hrs is compete. I'm waiting and waiting on my next load assignment but would rather do so eight miles away at a truck stop area as opposed to parked on a side street. Don't want to do it if it'll start my 14 since I have no idea how long I'll be waiting.

Thanks for any advice

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Safe to park on a side slant with load?

Trailer is leaning to left and worried of pallet wrap failing.

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Touching my antenna gives me 1.3 swr, otherwise 2.5

That's what I have, could it be that I put the factory torque back on instead of using the bolts in the package?

Depending on the truck you drive, it could be as simple as grounding the antana with a wire to the frame.. if you have like a frieght liner, then Good luck.. damn trucks are mostly fiberglass now.... trying to ground it it is a pain.... i just get one of those antana mounts for the mirror; TGT-ULT-CASCADIA-MHW-00.png

and it grounds pretty good IMO...

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Touching my antenna gives me 1.3 swr, otherwise 2.5

Touching my antenna gives me 1.3 swr, otherwise 2.5

What can I do to replicate me touching it? What does this mean the problem is?

Posted:  7 years, 9 months ago

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Top bunk weight limits?

My top bunk has no embossing or warnings for weight in my freightliner cascades, maybe I'll dig out the manual to see later

Hey all

I am currently going through a private school and my instructor and myself were having a conversation on training once I choose a company. It got me thinking, I'm a pretty big boy and I know if the company dispatches as a solo truck during training I'll be on the top bunk. Does anyone happen to know what the weight limit is for the top bunk in say a FL Cascadia or other popular trucks?

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