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Posted: 11 years, 3 months ago
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Im back again, Texas oil fields?
Hello I'm back again, I am wondering if there is anyone on here that is or has driven in the Texas oil fields? Mostly south Texas. I am reading on the net about big paying jobs down there but can not find much information on the subject. I have called a few companies and their first question is do you have a cdl, there second is do you have any experience? How hard is it to get in down there I am originally from that area so I have been calling friends to see if I can get my foot in the door.
Hello Patrick, my dad lives out in west texas ( Colorado City) west of Abilene about 75 miles. There is a new shale out there called the cline shale. There just starting to punch holes to see if there really is 30 billion barrels of recoverable oil? You can research. I was out there about 3 weeks ago and they were looking for water haulers for fracking. Im interested in this but am just getting my cdl and will have to go over the road for a while. If this doesn't work go west to midland / Odessa? From what im seeing the cline looks like the real deal? Remember im not a professional when it comes to the oil business. Good luck
Posted: 11 years, 3 months ago
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FFE Training Academy....My Journey Continues
Day 7. Today we were given our evaluations for PVIM, straight line backing, and parallel parking. A couple of students excelled, but most everyone graded average (me included), and nobody failed.
It was incredibly hot today, with the temp in Fort Worth hitting 106 degrees, and I am sure it was much hotter on the asphalt range. Today was the first day the heat began to bother me some, but I made it through the day and felt better after a cool shower. Most of the day is spent spotting for your team of three per truck, so you spend a lot of time in the sun awaiting your turn.
Tomorrow we have the day off for the holiday, and FFE is throwing the students a barbecue. I thought that was thoughtful of them. The day off will give my aching left leg time to heal. Feathering a heavy spring clutch for three straight days will make it ache until you get used to it.
On Tuesday, we start learning how to shift using double clutching. We will be taken out of the road for the first time. I am really looking forward to the challenge.
Hello Tim, How is it going now? I,m 50 and about to start my journey. Looking forward to it.
Posted: 11 years, 3 months ago
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Unseen Expenses For new Driver on the road:
I'm about to get my cdl. My question is besides food and shower cost what else should I be seeing as far as expenses. I will be driving for a co. No Lease. Thanks dp
Posted: 11 years, 3 months ago
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FFE Training Academy....My Journey Continues
Tim I haven,t made up my mind? Im looking at Raider Express in Ft Worth. I have thought about FFE. I see they were bought out? How does that look? Do you know what they start out new drivers at pm? Are they a solo driver co? I prefer to run solo. How is there equipment? Have a good one for you. My Dad drove for FFE back in the late 50s. He run with a fellow driver and they had a load of bananas going from west coast to east coast during summer. They didn't know but the reefer didn't work and when they got to there destination you got it they stunk real bad. How does there training work once you start driving with the trainer and what is that Pay? Thanks Tim