Winston Salem, NC
Driving Status:
Considering A Career
Social Link:
Carmen S. On The Web
Former office worker/assembler/baker contemplating becoming a lady trucker in 2017.
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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I want my CDL but feel intimidated by the horror tales
I just turned 47 earlier this year and have been considering obtaining my CDL for a time now, but horror stories about how women in trucking are treated, plus what my fiance told me his stepfather has to do in order to get the job done, has me nervous about it all. I am burned out on office work - tired of the politics that go on in those environments - and I didn't like food service. Besides, there is something about being out on the open road that appeals to me. I don't have children, and my family will take care of the animals should it come to that. Anyone with advice/insight on ladies who are in trucking, the obstacles we must face, what job duties there may be (my fiance claims I would have to tie down the freight, load and unload, that sort of thing), and learning to handle such a big rig - info on what they look for in one's background helps too, as my fiance has some ol felonies but he would like to get his CDL too. I only drive automatic and am rather terrified at learning to drive a manual especially something that's not tiny and manageable, like a Fiat or Smart car lol. Oh, and are most companies using electronic logs versus handwritten logs these days? Thank you and I hope I am able to overcome my apprehension and take the plunge soon - as in a few weeks!
Posted: 7 years, 11 months ago
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I want my CDL but feel intimidated by the horror tales
Susan, what my fiance told me was that I'd have to be strong enough to work the freight into the truck (loading), and off when I get it to the destination (unloading), also about male truckers intimidating female truckers. I am not sure if he's saying all this to discourage me or what but I have pretty much made up my mind to obtain my CDL and start a new career in 2017. His stepfather doesn't do flatbed, he drives an OTR from NC to Upstate NY and back, he's only home maybe 3 weekends a month, often just 2. I really want to do this but I feel a little nervous because of what my fiance has said.