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Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Pre-Trip Inspection - My Way! A must see!

my school made a dvd on the whole pre-trip.. I Spent an hour watching it twice... thus far.. to help me.. i told my teacher earlier this week i got the engine bay down to 6.5 mins he looked at me not enough . I said well - ya know that was alot better then i was before ! ATLEAST IM TRYIN. fudge! damnit .. he's 30 yrs experienced be hind the wheel .. of course its easy for him. he'd probably do it with his eyes closed if you asked him to . says he can do it in 16mins. front to back.. all i'm saying is atleast im trying to do this.. i find it has been difficult to go up to the truck and try and say what im looking at (and remember) the parts im suposed to when theres 5-6 other people around naming off parts of the truck around me .. Sorry i don't function that way - its solitude or nothing when i am trying to learn something . and im also a visual learner ( if that makes sense) ... i've been so scared of the the whole thing - that i have just recently taking my tests at the dmv , i've taken my general knowledge - but i've failed both combination and air brake tests 3 times already.. should have went to try again today - but other priorites came first today (Drs appointment and picked up my machine for sleep apena . my plan is to go tomorrow - and try again .. On a good note - on my 3rd try on these two tests i did way better then previous testing. none the less - im chasing that cdl its in my sights . i DON'T want to give up i just have to continue to push on!


im in cdl training now - ( just ended wk 4 of 10wks. ) THE Pre -trip scares me! THAT is alot of information to swallow in a short time frame. not to mention each truck is DIFFERENT . whos' to say your gona have the same type truck when you start with a company? granted all these companies have you go thru training with a trainer so he's gona be refreshing stuff to you and you can ask questions.. but damn they damn near want you to be a mechanic and driver! lol .. shocked.png


Take it one at a time. Youll get it.

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Pre-Trip Inspection - My Way! A must see!

im in cdl training now - ( just ended wk 4 of 10wks. ) THE Pre -trip scares me! THAT is alot of information to swallow in a short time frame. not to mention each truck is DIFFERENT . whos' to say your gona have the same type truck when you start with a company? granted all these companies have you go thru training with a trainer so he's gona be refreshing stuff to you and you can ask questions.. but damn they damn near want you to be a mechanic and driver! lol .. shocked.png

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Can I take Disabled Adult Child with me on Job?

most companies have a rider policy .. but you might have a problem with a adult child with disability .. alot of places are dangerous steel mills and the like - Even climbing in and out of the truck can be dangerous . I don't want to rain on you about bringing the adult child with you but i would ask any trucking company recruitor if this is possible ... Some may say no simply for the liability issues .. Again best thing to do is to contact a couple companies out of curiosity and ask as part of the questions you should ask about any company in reguards to pay and hometime etc ...

I Truely wish you luck.

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Game - Trailer finds

one recruitor said he used to drive truck. he said sometimes the places he loaded up at sometimes "over " loaded him by a case or two .. Or would ask hey how many kids you got ? ( CANDY) they' d throw a couple extras on the truck.. But keep in mind he had a good working relationship with these places ( dedicated route i think) and i suppose he became like family to them i guess. How true this is is beyond me. I mean if you have "overage" beyond what your manifest dictates how do you explain to dot if you get checked?

anyone got any stories like that?

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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How to use inverter?

crap - 800 watt microwave? damnit- thats no better then the 700 watt one i currently use ... And i can barely cook frozen dinners meals in that 700 watt. granted the food items won't be as frozen as it would be at home being they're gona be in a 3/4 tall fridge but dang i dunno if the cooking time is gona be increased more sense im only using 700 watts.. I'm not buying another microwave lol.

is it easier to use 12 volt items like coffee pot for making hot tea ( i hate coffee) and cooking pan or crock pot type thing? whats the limits on electrical use ? say charging laptop and cellphone and maybe some tv with a dvd player? perhaps a light ?

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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What amenities do OTR trucks with large carriers have?

MCT I Spoke with today - i asked about amenties .. and they said you can put a fridge and microwave.. I asked about direct tv and such i believe that she said no you can't install a tv in their trucks. BUT i think she said their shop can do it ( im not 100% sure )

I DEF want a fridge and microwave. i want a tv - but its not gona be perminant mount .. i'll get a shelf/table unit to watch and just put on my bunk while driving with a blanket and bungee to hold in place while driving. amazon fire stick is on my list of things also to get - can watch pretty much anything as long as you have wifi . .. might be worth expanding your data plan or pickup your own hotspot.. Also you have to provide your own cb ... My jaw dropped when my teacher told the class that today.. lol i thought cb's were standard in trucks.

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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What do truck drivers do on their 34 hour reset time?

some of you guys are lucky- Meaning the ability to rent a car .. Those who do not own 1 credit card (nor can get one) are kinda screwed unless we (or i) can be able to come up with the $ to get a money order in the amount of 300$ deposit.. just reading that made me cringe.. enterprise changed their policy on renting with the regards to using prepaid credit/debt cards. So that leaves me either stuck or forced to uber or taxi which is still a bit of coin. I THINK ideally any shopping needs (food) will have to happen while enroute and if i want to treat my self to a pizza - they're gona have to take my word for it and believe i am where i am to deliver it ! LOL ..

don't think many if any companies will allow you to use the tractor to scoot around sight seeing in esp on a 34 hr reset .. your not suposed to be driving the rig to begin with .. thus why its a 34 hr reset.. lol.

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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The end of my trucking career

bucket .

if you went to my cdl school you could have called the career advisor there and told her whats up , she would probably go to her file cabinet which is full of truck companies for you to call and check into .. Don't give up on the fight - if you got your cdl then just start applying at every company that you are interested in .. MAKE THEM FIGHT for you . did you know there is a 900.000 shortage of truck drivers right now? Go get that money man !

My truck driving career just ended.

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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What companies don't have driver facing cameras?

i've been told by recruiters that have come to my truck driving school that they do not have cameras facing you . Thats invasion of privacy that is your HOME away from home ... .. there was 1 ( i recall ) that said they do have cameras in the truck but like previous poster said it faces traffic and some even turn on once going over rumble strips or are always on to record any wrong in the means of say a accident .. Sometimes it will get ya outta trouble but if you did wrong boy better be ready to own up to it and the consequences (termination if it comes to it ) .

Posted:  7 years, 11 months ago

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Internet In Trucking

If my cdl happens i plan on running - As much as possible.. But at same time i don't want to be a tired , and greedy miserable person either .. I've been used to a yearly ( i laugh at this honestly but its true) income in the 12k to 15 k base range . 2016 my income only was at 3grand Employment sucks here in ohio i can honestly say i spent more time unemployeed then employeed. plus i spent bout 6/months in florida taking my mother to drs apointments for cancer treatment so yea ! Last year really sucked for me .... my teacher at school says you want to make 70g a year? me personally i'd be happy with atleast 30-40k a year anything over would be gravy For me.. I've never had a job that paid more at most 22k a year. but as it stands i have nothing holding me in place in the state i live in now no family ,gf no kids here . and NO HOME. so i'm planning on running as much as possible and hope for loads to where my gf lives to atleast try to see her atleast 2 or 3 times on the low end a month .. Other then that on the road - hopefully making some serious bank. I won't have time to be mr spendy and spend money like crazy . You won't catch me in a bar . and i don't do drugs. And lot lizards ? uh no - not tryin to get hepatitis or worse aids, so they can knock all the want i ain't opening my door . and damn sure aint tryin to get stung and get jail time either by under covers! lmao.

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