Plainview, TX
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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64 year old who originally earned CDL through Midland College after retirement from the State of Texas TDCJ. Tried out Con - Way and did not finish mentor training. Then tried out Averitt Express and completed mentor time. However I could not make it through the adjustment time and quit during my first month solo. I got scared of the backing situations. I lost sight that I DID do all my backing successfully. I then returned to TDCJ for about 3 years and finally really retired on 4/14/17. During this time I let my CDL lapse.
Ps. Both Con - way and Averitt were to me excellent choices.
6/9/17 I completed my CDL Training and received my CDL at Corsicana Swift Training Academy. Reporting for Orientation at Swift Lancaster (Dallas, TX) on 6/14/17. Will go on the road with a Mentor for 200 hrs., immediately after Orientation for completion of training and then officially be a . . . "ROOKIE Driver".>
Posted: 7 years, 5 months ago
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Correctional Sergeant to Truck Driver
Chandler G: Still with us in trucking?
Thanks for your service as a Sargent in Corrections. I too left Corrections after over 20 years and now am in trucking. Thanks for your service to our community and contributing to keeping us all safe.
-Traffic Jam
Posted: 7 years, 5 months ago
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Just backing up for a moment . . . I wish to thank Swift Corsicana Academy/Swift in general.
What happened is I rolled over a 401(k) into another program and took out enough to pay the school off in one lump sum. For this I received a $1100.00 discount from Swift and I felt that was pretty nice of the company.
If you are thinking about the Swift Corsicana Academy please know that myself and two other friends who are all driving think it was great.
-Traffic Jam
Posted: 7 years, 7 months ago
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At motel in Lancaster. Meet mentor this afternoon.
-Traffic Jam
Posted: 7 years, 7 months ago
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Well, this IS a diary.
I have had a lot of patience and have gone to expense they said they would reimburse, and have waited. But perhaps you are right. I appreciate the feedback. I do hope it will work out.
-Traffic Jam
Posted: 7 years, 7 months ago
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6/29/17, Thursday
I sent my documents requested from my Doctor to Swift on this last Tuesday. Wednesday they called to say they had sent them to their doctor that i saw who had requested these docs before he would release a DOT physical he did on me when i was down there two weeks ago. They told me he would call and let me know and then I am to call them back to coordinate a return (hopefully).
This is Thursday. I see Fourth of July fast approaching. This dragging out and I hope after all this waiting and expense and no reimbursement to anything, I am told no.
I am hopefully waiting, but have set a deadline for myself. If we reach it without hearing anything I will definitely move on.
-Traffic Jam
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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6/27/17 I received the statement from the doc today. I'll fax it to Swift first thing tomorrow. Hope to be accepted and in the program soonest!
Traffic Jam
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Me and my friend are trying to find the best training company to go with. Any ideas?
Wow! Good advice here! I guess I did not read the fine print about it only costing me $2000 instead of $4000. That's great as I plan on working for them for at least a year. I am so impressed with them though I hope it works out to stay indefinitely(at Swift).
Thanks G-Town and Brett.
-Traffic Jam
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Me and my friend are trying to find the best training company to go with. Any ideas?
I just completed Swift Driving Academy at Corsicana, TX.
One is not obligated to work for Swift after taking this course. I attended, completed the course, earned my CDL and decided to work for Swift. I enjoyed the school, felt it was terrific, and recommend it to you.
Whatever you do, try to complete the training offered on this website before you actually depart for school.
-Traffic Jam
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Went to the doc today and everything is fine. His statement to Swift will go down on Mon. So I have the weekend at home. On Mon I will wait to see what Swift says after they review the statement and all.
Hopefully I'll be on my way first part of next week. Of the four who graduated with cdl I know of two who are on the road right now. Two from the original fifteen. Hopefully, I will make it three first part of the week.
- Traffic Jam
Posted: 7 years, 5 months ago
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Can Truck Drivers Find Churches On The Road?
I always found that a little planning helps. Look ahead. If you are going to be out in the country it seems easier to find a church where parking is nearby and you can walk the little way to church. It's always worth it. My own church has streaming videos of church and I can call up the ones I miss.
Also, check out "Godtube.com" and you will find lots of worship services, preaching and teaching.
-Traffic Jam