Dayton, OH
Driving Status:
In CDL School
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Been working on the automotive field for about a decade. It's time for a change! I'm enrolled at a private school, I begin June 3rd. Wish me luck!
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Excellent, yea i live in Miamisburg so Middletown is very close to me. I've already done all the classroom requirements so this week we start pretrips and backing into the trailer. I've spoken with a recruiter from Transam Transportation and they're willing to give me a shot! So upon graduation I'll be going to Kansas for orientation. While not my first choice, right now it's my only choice. Time to hunker down and get some quality road experience.
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Clark State is on the expensive end; I'll check out Ohio Business College. I hadn't even considered them. Are they downtown by St. Elizabeth? My son got his STNA down there and I'm wondering if they're in the same location. Forgive me but it's cool to have a forum member so close to me.
No they're in Middletown, where in Dayton are you at?
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Josh, two that close together will make it difficult to sell yourself to a company. I do hiring/interviewing (not a driver yet) and my first two questions would be: a) why the second one, didn't you learn from the first? and b) what makes me think you won't get another one? Don't get me wrong, good luck to you and I hope things have changed for the future but companies will be super extremely hesitant.
On a different note, I see you're from Dayton. Any chance you're going to Clark State for schooling? That's the first (and only) place on my list when I do finally decide to make the career change.
No, I'm going to the Ohio business college. I looked into Clark state but they were more expensive and I've heard good things about obc
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Thank you guys for the feedback, yes I know I brought this on myself. About the only thing I have going for me is completion records of rehab and knowing I've committed to a life of sobriety. Once I land a gig, as poor paying or maybe not the most desirable I'd like I plan to fully commit. Your opinions are valued and appreciated. I've looked over the dui page on here to see which companies I may still qualify for and I guess i just need to apply to them all and see who'll give me the chance.
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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So, i have a questionable driving history, i do have 2 dui on file with the latest at 5 years. However by the tome i graduate cdl training i will still have about 6 weeks until that dui is officially 5 years old. Looking into companies that take recruits with a rap sheet like mine, Transam and Prime are the 2 that stand out. Any suggestions to who is better? I don't mind being otr but I'm not trying to be out for months on end before i get home time. Any thoughts or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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I only have a month to go before i start training. In your opinion who is a good company to get my feet wet? I've been leaning toward U.S. Express, J.B. Hunt, and Maverick. Any info is appreciated!
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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Thanks for the response, we both feel pretty confident about our abilities. I see where fatigue and the stresses of not knowing the ins and outs could pose a problem. I'll keep that in mind during training and then we'll make a final decision. We start school June 3rd and it can't get here fast enough! Thanks again.
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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Myself and a friend are about to start cdl training. We're looking to be a team for a little while. How does that work? Do we go with the trainer then team up? Is team really worth it? We're mostly doing it to get more miles in our first year to gain the experience.
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Home Run INC
Are you still driving here? I'm looking into home run to start my career. I'd like to know what you thought of them.