Profile For Mark O.

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Posted:  7 years, 3 months ago

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Maverick pay

Thanks for the info

I am not sure about Maverick but I do know most companies that do a minimum guarantee will pay you the guarantee as long as you are available for dispatch and do not turn down any loads that they offer. Also if you run more miles and would make more than the guarantee then you would of course be paid more. So yes if you only ran 1000 miles for the week but you were available for dispatch all week and did not turn down any loads offered then you would be paid the $1000... How ever if you run 3000 miles and would make more than the $1000 minimum then you would be paid the higher amount of the 2. Hope this helps explain some.

Posted:  7 years, 3 months ago

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Maverick pay

I got approved for maverick transportation and the recruiter told me that the division im going to (temp control division) has a min guarantee pay of 1000 weekly..can somebody give me more info on that..does it mean i still get the 1000 if i drive 1000 miles or 3000 miles..just wondering if there was a catch to it..

Posted:  7 years, 3 months ago

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Reefer otr driver

Im currently debating between reefer and flatbed..i kno flat bed is usually home on weekends but can someone tell me what hours a reefer driver usually trying to avoid over night driving..thanks

Posted:  7 years, 4 months ago

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Rookie in training

Thanks everyone for the advice gonna give it another shot tues

Mark, you should certainly "learn" the gears literally by the seat of your pants - the vibration, the feel of the speed you're going, shifting up or down, etc.

I've heard "never having driven a stick before" means you don't have the bad habits a 4-wheel stick driver has.

In your learning process, you'll probably use double clutching. You'll need to develop the rhythm as a body/muscle memory thing. That's what Reaper meant about being a musician. The steps will come as you practice: grab the shifter then go: clutch in - pull to neutral - clutch out - clutch in - pull to gear - clutch out.

Posted:  7 years, 4 months ago

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Rookie in training

Just started at tmc and im having trouble shifting (double clutch) the truck is a 9 speed.. I've never drove a stick before. I sometimes forget what gear im in..can somebody give me some advice please

Posted:  7 years, 4 months ago

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Choosing a company

New to trucking just got cdl permit and have got pre hired for tmc,maverick, celadon, roehl, and cr England.. im leaning towards tmc just cause pay isnt bad and home on weekends..married with 3 children..what do you all think any advice..plan on going local once i get experience

Posted:  7 years, 4 months ago

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Tmc physical test

Thanks man

This info is five years old:

"Lift a 120lb tarp and carry it from the back of the trailer to about a 1/4 from the front. Get yourself up on the trailer and put the tarp on top of the coil then drop it off the other side. Then get off the trailer and carry it back to the back again."

If you are very concerned about lifting the tarp or the exact weight, I would call TMC and ask them what it entails.

Posted:  7 years, 4 months ago

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Tmc physical test

Can anybody give me some in sight of tmc tarp test

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