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Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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Looking for otr company allowing wife and 2 kids!
I respect everyone's opinions regards the topic. However some may need to re read it. To sum the situation up. I dont have a choice. This is short term. Just need that rite person to see the post. Crete will allow wife and 1 child. Not both boys
Posted: 7 years, 10 months ago
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Looking for otr company allowing wife and 2 kids!
i have been searching all over and have had no luck! I know there are companies out there that allow it. Anyone know of a company that has such a liberal rider policy? FYI there is a vast opinion regarding kids in trucks ect. My 9 year old has been riding with me local for over a month now and he loves it! He is homeschooled and it gives me the opportunity to make sure he is taught 1 on 1 and his schooling has improved 300%. I feel it depends on the style of living and how close your family is. My wife was otr with me for over a year until we had our 1st son. She loved it as well. Thanks in advance
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Family riders/passengers
Crete carrier will allow newborn up. Under 4 or 5 and you need a parent with. So yes crete would allow it. Prime will allow it as well. Shaken baby syndrome is not rough riding in a semi. Shaken baby takes alot of shaking. I know cause i asked a pediatric dr cause me and my boys wrestle around alot with me. Yes a month old baby does require more gentle riding but im sure youll be good. Im bringing my wife and 2 young boys with me fir a few months. Good luck to u