Bath, NC
Driving Status:
Preparing For School
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I am a true challenger standing in at 5'1-1/2". My goal has been to become a truck driver for years, being I come from a family of only male truckers. I promised myself once my only child became of age I was headed for the trucking lifestyle. Well the time is now!!! I have tried healthcare for 14 years and was a great salesperson in telecommunications for over 8 years and none has fulfilled my void. I look at a trucker as being in an office window seat and with the scenery forever changing by the second. When others think I can not and should not do something, it makes me go stronger. By the way I am a motorcycle owner and rider. I always step out on faith and if God says yes then I go for it. So I am now looking into schools and ready to pack and go!!!! Any information from you Professional Drivers is truly welcome. See you on the roads soon.
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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I'm heading to prime
I am looking for a school about 20 people say go to Prime. How was it for you honestly?