Lexington, KY
Driving Status:
In CDL School
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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I am a rest area attendant. Ask me anything.
you'll eventually get pulled in for a random drug test/sleep test and you'll be busted.
Random sleep tests . . .
. . . this really is a GREAT CAREER! ! !
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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I am a rest area attendant. Ask me anything.
I work at a rest area and just wondering if truckers have any questions for rest area employees? I have a few about truckers, but I do not want to come off as offensive and may ask some later on. I am currently in the process of losing weight so I can pass my dot physical and hope to be trucking myself in a few years. I am 37 now. Is 40 too old to get started in this game?
OK, Denny, what's the one thing you've seen that when you tell us we won't believe you?
Posted: 7 years, 9 months ago
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Got CDL permit before class even starts! :D
I studied TT's training materials and went down to get my permit Monday. Only to be told that they stopped giving CDL tests 15 minutes earlier. Deja vu all over again.
The lady was nice enough to check that KY had gotten my self-certification and medical info already. So I took my motorcycle written and picked up my Motorcycle Instruction Permit. Last Friday I had arrived 15 minutes too late to take the motorcycle written.
The trooper at the testing area told me that it was his pleasure to see someone pass on their first try. Then I couldn't get my permit because they didn't have my medical information in the computer. I had the card with me so I could take a picture and email it right away; except I left my phone at home. Can't have it on at the testing station anyway. A quick drive home, an email, a phone call, disconnected another phone call, good thing I wrote down my call reference #, and verbal confirmation that all is good. Drive back out to the DMV. On the way there while I'm about to change lanes a driver changes lanes into my blind spot. While I've got my concentration on him a different driver changes lanes directly beside me. Jamais vu! It'll only get worse with a bigger truck I'm sure.
The best part is my class starts TOMORROW!!!
Half a shift tonight (over at 10:45 pm) and up bright and early for an 8 am start.
I'm so excited I'm having problems sitting still enough to type this.