Lutz, FL
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Posted: 6 years, 10 months ago
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I am getting ready to join my husband on the road for my very first time. I am nervous and want advise on personal hygiene.... short hair vs long hair, what's raider to maintain... what are some must haves.
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Thanks for the response so quickly. This is my 2ne marriage I am 48 years old. Creative Christian and hate when I'm not with my hubby. Of I'm not driving how does someone getvuse to the rotating schedule? I also have a week bladder and have never peed in front of my hubby. We joke about the potty bucket but I'm concerned. I'm not prissy and will get my hands dirty if needed. I am learning to crochet. I'm a Secretary and face painter by trade.
Considering we work, the small amount of downtime goes too quickly.. we aren't "travelers" on TT, we're drivers.
If you aren't going to drive, hopefully you like to read, listen to music, watch movies.. knit? crochet? very sedentary. just riding day in and day out would absolutely bore me to death, however I LOVE driving.
What ugliness would you be referring to? I'm at a complete loss on that one.
I find bathroom breaks aren't a problem at all.. always a place to stop reasobably close by when mother nature calls. Truck stop showers are generally reasonably clean too.
Idk when I rode along with my ex years ago, I also drove some, had a Iearner's permit.. we could do that because we were O/Os with our own authority.. not company drivers.
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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My husband is currently a local driver but we are considering going over the road together in a few years. I would like some suggestions on ways to keep busy. I have not been on the road with him and want to prepare myself as best as possible. He has been sharing with me the ugliness of some things on the road .... bathroom breaks...😁 but id like to herr from some veteran travelers
Posted: 6 years, 10 months ago
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Beauty on the road ladies
Is this for number. 1 or 2?