Wall, TX
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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Posted: 6 years, 11 months ago
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6 months and 3 weeks in now, last three months was awesome running hard making money loving it. Last 3 weeks Was a disaster, I want to quit and take one of 4 other drive offers I have even before my 1 year contract is up.
Difference, my DM switched to lease program and I was assigned new DM. What a difference a DM can make. It's not that the new DM is inexperienced it's that he doesn't seam to have ability to care or recognize what affect his actions has on Driver.
I am Not a quiter and gave my word so I will have to convert to lease even though I am totally against it and will make less money to complete my time here. Going to lease will put me back with my original DM
Thank God they have a walk away lease.
Being forced to lease I will be looking for new home after my year is up.
Posted: 7 years ago
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Lift axle position bad weather
Turtle thanks for your input. Really appreciate it.
Posted: 7 years ago
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Lift axle position bad weather
Need some experienced help
53 foot Flatbed, loaf 16,000lb Max height, ice and snow, manually dropping axel for traction.
Would you leave them spread or together for better traction??
Posted: 7 years ago
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Should Drivers Refuse To Work For Companies With Forced Dispatch?
Good question Unholy, Yes, the whole week was explained, the whys and wherefores and how the plan was certain(failing a mechanical breakdown of course)
I would love it if my DM would let me in on the home plan. That's awesome. I never know till that day comes. I have also already learned to go home extra day or even two earlier than needed for important events. To many unknowns to do other than that. When I do go home it's normally a 19 hour day and I am always out of hours ending up driving on OD to get there so having and event that very next day would be a failure to plan on my part.
I would be interested in knowing the average distance other drivers drive to get home time from the 90. Flatbed OTR
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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Virgin run in the books.
Thanks to everyone for the help to get to this second career.
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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A Messge to the Brother and Sister hood of Truckers!
I am just an old Harley guy and can tell you that the Brother and Sister Hood among Harley Riders is Awesome even today.
Getting into trucking as a second career I was supersized to learn that the Brother and Sister Hood of Truckers I knew as a youngster has diapered for the most part. My first week of training I learned that 4 wheelers really don't like truckers much. By week 3 I learned that some of just the general public seems to have an issue with us. By week 13 I realized that no one has a bigger issue with Truckers than Truckers.
The Trucker (head shake of disgust) because they are a SUPER TRUCKER is just unreal to me. You know what I am talking about, the left then right movement shaken of the head to let the other person know your smarter and they must be an idiot. I see this all day long at truck stops and even in the Prime yard. Directed at everyone and yes sometimes at me. Maybe that's a new trucker just trying to learn how to back in. Maybe the Pump did not work and they had to go inside at fuel station. Maybe the Brother or Sister is just broke down or needs help that's why they are parked there.
I am old school (to clarify not Old School from this site) in my thinking, I am going to try and give the Trucker a break or maybe some help but at least some understanding. If we are going to improve our reputation to the public we must start with ourselves as a Group.
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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I am going Company not Lease. My expertise is in numbers both financial and tax. I have completed a Excel spreadsheet Pre Tax and Post Tax analyses of Income of Company Versus Lease.
Do not listen to all the break room drivers talking about Gross and how much they make. DO THE MATH!!!. You can not train your first year so do the MATH!!! NOT JUST SOME OF THE MATH ALL THE MATH.
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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Time does fly. Back to upgrade for solo. PSD Trainer was great then my first TT trainer was a disaster but changed and second TT trainer was awesome, Do not be afraid to ask for a trainer change. I waited a week to long because I did not want to appear to be a complainer. The situation then got very bad putting myself and public at risk. Turned out the last trainee had just been removed from same truck for same reason they just did not tell me. New TT trainer and training went off without a hitch. I recommend you get a trainer like my second one with at least 2or 3 years experience for TT. I learned so much I was constantly making notes for future. So far crossed US at last 12 times and love the trucking part and the Flatbed. Hell I love to tarp!! That's right!!. Got some great experience on 80 with some patchy ice. TT was all with Automatic. I used to be a standard person but do really enjoy the automatic. HERE WE GO!!!!
Posted: 7 years, 5 months ago
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Driving When The Truck Is Overweight
Thanks. That's great information to know.
Posted: 6 years, 11 months ago
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First load done !!!
Congrats!!! Bryan, you are on your way