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Posted: 4 years, 8 months ago
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Help me find my forever trucking home
Hey There Drivers, Looking for any information you all could share with me. I’ve been driving about 3 years now and am looking for a change. I’m looking to continue OTR and would like to join a carrier that covers all 48 states. To me, finding the proper fit means more than just cpm. These are the carriers that are at the top of my list so far...
Meiborg- Great equipment with good miles. They have a salaried program right now 3 week out OTR, flat $75,000 annual
Merx Global- nice newer Volvo’s. .50cpm. A little concerned because I can’t find much driver feedback on them
Sharky- great benefits, free healthcare for family and .54cpm, but older trucks. Have a long history
Nussbaum- Great reviews, never heard a bad thing about them. Everything hung sounds great about the company, Except cpm, .40 to start. Recruiter says with all bonuses and pay factored in, drivers are averaging $1,000-$1,2000 per week
I’m looking to settle in and find my long term home. Any input would be appreciated. Thank you all and be safe
Posted: 5 years, 5 months ago
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Looking for any insight the good folks here could share. I’ve been doing Dollar General Dedicated in the Midwest for a few years now. I’m looking at making a move possibly to Marten’s Walmart Dedicated account out of Wisconsin. I would welcome any feedback on the Walmart dedicated account, and especially anyone who has experience with Marten. Among other things, they are offering a guaranteed weekly minimum of $1,400. That sounds great but I’m a firm believer that money isn’t everything. Also curious what other carriers in my area handle Walmart Dedicated. I’m just outside of Milwaukee, Wi, about 75 miles from Chicago. I would greatly appreciate any thoughts from the group. Thanks in advance and be safe.
Posted: 4 years, 8 months ago
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Help me find my forever trucking home
First off Old School, I couldn’t agree more. Ultimately You get out of any situation what your willing to put into it. Every company is going to have drivers at all points on the spectrum.
What I was hoping for in my post was simply to see what kind of feedback other drivers here could offer on the four primary companies I listed...Meiborg Bros, Sharky, Merx Global and Nussbaum And if anyone wanted to tell me about an OTR, Coast to Coast carrier that they feel is worth looking into, I’d welcome the suggestions.
I love what I do and give my company the best I can on a daily basis. I’m simply looking for a company that is willing to respect that and return the favor. As fas as why I’m moving from my current, it simply comes down to how they pay out the miles. As they call it, they pay satellite miles. Explained to me as shortest distance from point A to Point B in a straight line. What that means to me is that on average, 12-15% of my driven miles go unpaid weekly. I know there is give and take on how miles are factored but that is simply giving up too much.
So again, all input is welcome. Thank you all