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Considering A Career
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Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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My promised update about American Furniture Warehouse
Glad to hear this is working out well for you, figured AFW would be a great place to work. Best part are all the other opportunities they offer, good luck on a long career with Mr. Jabs and Co.
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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Did I Make the Right Decision?
Good call, anytime I can stay on the Interstate seems to be the safest route when out West.
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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My guess it was Palmer, very attractive company to work for but it appears they like to Hand Pick their Students. They are a bit on the smaller size and yes I am hoping to get on with them but not really putting much stock in them as they get tons of applications and class sizes are usually less than 8 to 10, sometimes as few as 1 to 3.
Posted: 7 years, 4 months ago
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Does anyone know anything about knight transportation
Go to search bar, top left of page. Enter Knight and you will find tons of information.
Posted: 7 years, 4 months ago
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Update on BMI Requirements, in Regards to Prime Inc.
Wow that a lot of bucks for a Sleep study, I am at 160lbs and have a 17 1/4 inch neck, 6 foot and turning 54 this month, sounds brutal. I can tell ya I was at 200 and spent 2 months just walking 2 miles day and lost 35 in 1 month.
Posted: 7 years, 4 months ago
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You'll be waiting *A LOT* pulling reefer. I've had 14 hour waits at Walmart, 18 hour waits at Americold (all over the country), and these are wait times sitting on the dock door with a red light. This was also the norm, not something that happened occasionally. If I could do it all over again, I never would have pulled reefer.
So how in the World do you make any money sitting for 14 or more hours?
Posted: 7 years, 4 months ago
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New Podcast: Episode 18: Stop The Fear And Doubt, Focus On Your Own Success
Thanks Brett, I agree with Old School that this is Timeless Information. Not just for Trucking but any career you choose to enter!
Perfect timing for me about the Training aspect, it is what it is and make the best of it !!!
Posted: 7 years, 4 months ago
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Any answers appreciated. Is my career over?
YES, if they report it to your DAC, it will be considered a failure.
Stick a fork in your career, its next to impossible to renter after something like that. No company will trust you...
G-Town, this is what I really appreciate about you the most, Honest and Direct answers, no BS and no Sugar Coating. Reminds me of Dragnet, "Just the Facts, Ma'am"
Posted: 7 years, 4 months ago
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Any answers appreciated. Is my career over?
Best bet is to call them and just ask, taking that fake sample off of you and asking you to leave if that is really what happened is definitely not the norm. My best guess would be Refusal to take the Test would be reported, but I am not a DOT Examiner.
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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Company Training and Non-Compete
Dart, Have you personally spoken to your FTM this week? Maybe that person would be willing to share what your 3rd Mentor had to say about your skills and safety concerns. I am with everyone else on this, it just doesn't add up. I trained many employees over the years running my business, I always expected some rough patches and loss of revenue but if they showed promise it was at least a 6 month process.