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Experienced Driver
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Polack. American citizen. Polska Grom Vet. U.S. Army Vet Professional Truck Driver. "Siła i Honor Tobie Ojczyzno"!
Posted: 6 years, 12 months ago
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As topic title states, I am looking for insight to Bynum Transport and LCL Bulk Transport. I am considering both and am actually having a hard time making a final decision, hence the solicitation of current information. It would be refreshing to receive some input from professional drivers with some tenure at either company. Thanks in advance!
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Automatic transmission question
C'mon now.... reading the instructions first? A truck driver? Just kidding & throwing a first post out. Long time lurker. I tried an automatic years ago - hated it. Have one now & my 51 yr old 3xreplaced left knee LOVES it!
Personally I think the autos are a joke! I was in the same model and spec Volvo with the 12 speed ishift and now in a 13 speed eaton. They are the same year same engine same model just different transmission. The auto was a pain on slippery roads and muddy terrain. Could not control the clutch and when it shifted in the lower gears it spun or got stuck. Not to mention I'm getting better fuel economy with the manual at higher speed same rpm to mph.
Remember, Nathan, trucking companies won't spring for auto-shift transmissions unless they see a better bottom line and equal or better safety for people and equipment. So auto-shift isn't a joke.
Did you know an auto-shift has a manual option? Read the instructions, or look harder at the shift paddle. Hint for slippery conditions: manually select a gear one step higher than you think. The reduced engine power at the wheels will help reduce slipping.
Posted: 6 years, 12 months ago
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Game: you first felt like a real trucker when....
.... having to park a lawnmower under my bed just to fall asleep because of all the reefer hauling!