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Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Got fired as a Rookie Solo Driver
Why don't you try calling a higher up and see if you can go back into training? I would.
For Swift? After I already been terminated?
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Got fired as a Rookie Solo Driver
So you got a ticket for wreckless driving and this termination was 16 months ago? Now I'm really confused.
I did not got a ticket for wreckless driving in a cmv this was in my personal vehicle before I had an cdl. The overhead crash is not on my mvr because of my lawyer got it reduced to a city ordinace fine. Thats what I meant by saying my MVR wasnt that bad. I started with swift in Nov 2015 and was terminated April 26 2016
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Got fired as a Rookie Solo Driver
I do realizes all the mistakes I've made over my 16 month downtime, I'm really contemplating just learning a whole new trade and career, until the third year passes. Because that's the only way I see that I would be able to get behind the wheel of a semi. My MVR is clean besides the 15mph over I got 2 years ago. I went to through trails and tribulations to get my cdl and just hate to throw it all away.
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Got fired as a Rookie Solo Driver
Also...Swift has a three strike rule for preventables within a three year period. Did something else happen?
No thats it. Just the overhead crash and the backing accident and it also it depends on the fleet you're on. Some can let you go after 2 and others after 3 preventables
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Got fired as a Rookie Solo Driver
The companies i applied to said it wasn't the accidents that disqualified me it was that I was terminated for them.
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Got fired as a Rookie Solo Driver
What happen was I was lined up perfectly because i got out and checked. It was 3 am and I was the only one on the yard. I did not know at the time all I had to do was raise the trailer up and drop the air bags. Like I said as being a rookie driver I went in and it was a night DM on site and he didn't know how to get it unhooked so I had to wait until morning until a mechanic showed up to be unhooked. Did a statement and the night DM reported it as an backing accident even though the mechanic said it wasn't
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Got fired as a Rookie Solo Driver
Hello fellow drivers,
I was terminated from Swift, on April, 26, 2016 for having two prevenatables. One was an overhead crash on my very first solo run. The second one was when I high hooked the trailer in the yard, and it was label as an back accident. Now that I have that out the way, I only have 5 verifiable months of experience, I was terminated for having 2 preventables in a short time. Only two months apart, I was fired 3 weeks after the backing accident, which I think was a delayed discipline tactic. The day before I was fired I hit severe weather, high winds, hail and heavy rains. I decided to pull over because I could barely control the truck with high winds and low visibility. I called my DM and informed that I was pulling over due to safety concerns, and my DM started yeling and telling me to get back on the road. I told her no because of the hail and high winds, and I was informed if I didn't get back on the road, I would be rejecting the load that I was already attached too. I informed them after the storm passed I would get goinf again with no problem, but was informed that wasn't an option. I informed them the Swift Severe Weather Policy where it was up to me to drive or not during inclement weather, and at that time my DM hung up in my face. The next day I was routed to the nearest terminal to turn in my truck. Keep in mind this was 3 1/2 weeks after my backing accident that they informed that I was being fired for.
Long story short I have not been able to find anybody to give me a chance because of the termination. Even Western Express and Trans Am turned me down. I learned from my mistakes I own up to them, I know that the GPS is a tool not an guide, I raley used the gps after my overhead crash, I relyled on roadmaps. What am saying is there any tips you can give a young driver who desperately want to start driving again.
Posted: 7 years, 8 months ago
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Got fired as a Rookie Solo Driver
I never heard of them, but I will look into it. Greyhound bus lines said they would hire me but thats only for the fall. Melton Truck Lines said, they would hire me if I could get 3 months of clean driving. PTL said they would give me a chance, they are waiting on approval from safety. Most companies I talked to didn't recognize the backing accident as a preventable it was the termination thats being the kiss of death. Is there any other companies like Carolina Cargo?