Profile For Lush

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    Considering A Career

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    7 years, 8 months ago

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Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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A Husband and Wife Trucking Journey

I think it's safe to assume that at some point a potential husband/wife team is going to be very interested in this thread. In the meantime however I'm not sure this level of detail is worthwhile, so if you're following along...let me know!

Days 6-8 (Wednesday - Friday)

We continued with practicing our straight-line backing, offset backing (what I was calling "reverse lane change") and alley docking as well as practicing our pre-trip. To this we added parallel parking to the drivers side and began learning our in-cab inspections. By Wednesday my wife had still not fully mastered the straight-line backing, which was of course effecting all other skills, so she spent the latter part of the week working to master that primarily. By Friday she had it down to science!

I got to ride rear seat on one of my wife's on-the-road outings this week. I'm utterly amazed that the girl who couldn't drive a manual car last week is able to drive a semi this week! She even pulled us into a truck stop to get fuel.

By the way, the young man who disappeared on us after having a rough first drive was called by a fellow student and convinced to return to training. Glad to see him return!

Following! Thank you for the detailed information. Very helpful for a husband/wife team considering a career change/adventure.

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Dedicated vs OTR Super Solo (married drivers)

It is your choice to take home time or not. Why not block out that 3-4 day stop, and paint the town red in Myrtle Beach one month and Jackson Hole the next?

That is pretty much our intent. The most likely feasible option too I imagine. We were just curious if he had found any opportunity with the option he was looking into.

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Dedicated vs OTR Super Solo (married drivers)

Did you ever find a "Super Solo" opportunity? We are considering a 2nd career as empty nesters and that is one of the options we want to explore. The other being, running as a normal team but resetting on the road with a hotel and rental car for "mini vacations". Just curious if you found any teams for your option?

Sorry I meant, any companies...

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Dedicated vs OTR Super Solo (married drivers)

Did you ever find a "Super Solo" opportunity? We are considering a 2nd career as empty nesters and that is one of the options we want to explore. The other being, running as a normal team but resetting on the road with a hotel and rental car for "mini vacations". Just curious if you found any teams for your option?

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