Profile For Tierney A.

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    7 years, 8 months ago

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Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Co driver being woke by customer during sleeperbirth

It was a high value load. The kicker was when we told the guy in the office about it being illegal waking up the co driver his response was a question of, Why? As a receiving supervisor for XPO arguably the worlds largest ltl carrier he should have been well versed in dot law and regulation. Was just frustrating and totally out of place. If it was DOD or explosives we would understand but apparently xpo is handled by a bunch of idiots.

Posted:  7 years, 8 months ago

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Co driver being woke by customer during sleeperbirth

Hi there! Me and my co driver have been driving for 8yrs together and I have a question I need some help in answering. This had been happening more and more from customers either at the loading point or unloading and I would like to know our rights..let me explain. We just delivered and after a 14hr shift with only 4 hrs in the sleeper my co driver was forced to wake me up before they let us in the gate and stay awake during the entire unload. Not only was I forced out of sleeper but I was forced to have my picture taken while holding a card with their safety policies on it. Bed head and all and to not know who was ultimately going to have my picture and where it was to end up. Then we were instructed to stay in a room with no ac that was infested with spiders till the unloading process was complete...oh yeah no bathroom either. No the picture situation was new to me but this has started to become a reacurrance. More and more customers are forcing us to wake the co driver and I would like to know our rights as drivers if we have any at all. Thank you very much for your time.

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