Well girlfriend actually. It has been really tough to say the least. Before meeting my partner, I knew nothing about the trucker world, and since meeting him I have been opened up to a whole other world out there. My friends don't understand and I often get "Why would you put yourself through that?" He is a great man and makes me happy, he loves his job and most of his friends are truckers as well. We talk all the time, video chat, text, and email. I love him, and have learned alot, we both have sacrificed alot, but there are days where I feel lonely and that nobody I know understands. My friends hubby's work at 9-5 (cute ain't it LOL), they don't understand this life. Reaching out to other ladies that have gone through it, still going through it, and encourage others at same time.
Posted: 7 years, 7 months ago
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New to this life . . . A life of a trucker wife
Well girlfriend actually. It has been really tough to say the least. Before meeting my partner, I knew nothing about the trucker world, and since meeting him I have been opened up to a whole other world out there. My friends don't understand and I often get "Why would you put yourself through that?" He is a great man and makes me happy, he loves his job and most of his friends are truckers as well. We talk all the time, video chat, text, and email. I love him, and have learned alot, we both have sacrificed alot, but there are days where I feel lonely and that nobody I know understands. My friends hubby's work at 9-5 (cute ain't it LOL), they don't understand this life. Reaching out to other ladies that have gone through it, still going through it, and encourage others at same time.