Profile For Christopher H.

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Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Extremely new to trucking and need some advice

Already dropped an application with Wil-Trans and Western Express haha just a little eager but I'm sure I'll be hearing from a recruiter soon.

Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Extremely new to trucking and need some advice

Thanks for all the input again! Quick question, does anyone know if western express hires out of state. I noticed they don't really have any terminals but I dropped off an application online anyways. Same question applies to other companies that may not have terminals in the Reno/Sparks area would they still hire me?

Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Extremely new to trucking and need some advice


Thanks for the replies! I've been using all the material on this site heavily as well as the cdl permit practice tests. I'm not enrolled in my cdl school yet so I still have an opportunity should I choose too and go for a company sponsored cdl. I'm just waiting till after I get my tax refund in the spring to help cover my bills while away at school for a cdl. Do you guys have an honest opinion of Knight Transportation? Overall that seems like my most likely first choice for a company with Swift being second.


Not sure which school you're planning on attending but I will vouch for Desert Sparks Truck Driving School in Sparks NV. Patti the owner is a really cool and Jimmy and Pete both have plenty of real world driving experience with some of the larger otr companies. In addition the school is only a 1/4 mile away from the CDL DMV office on Greg street which is convenient.

That's actually the school I'm planning on attending if I decide to self fund my schooling. Do recruiters come to the school for immediate employment after you graduate?

Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Extremely new to trucking and need some advice

Well first being both have terminals in my area and secondly they seem like excellent companies to get some experience with. I'd prefer knight over swift due to the fact that they don't have cabin facing cameras and I've also heard less horror stories about the training program after you get your cdl while swift has both. I'm still super open to suggestions though about other companies that may offer better benefits in the long run and better pay as well if you stick with them. I generally like to hold on to a job longer then I even think I should. A fine example of that is working in a call center for one and a half years where most people quit after 3 months.

Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Extremely new to trucking and need some advice

Thanks for the replies! I've been using all the material on this site heavily as well as the cdl permit practice tests. I'm not enrolled in my cdl school yet so I still have an opportunity should I choose too and go for a company sponsored cdl. I'm just waiting till after I get my tax refund in the spring to help cover my bills while away at school for a cdl. Do you guys have an honest opinion of Knight Transportation? Overall that seems like my most likely first choice for a company with Swift being second.

Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Extremely new to trucking and need some advice

So I've decided that I can no longer stand my normal swing shift tech support job in a call center and I need more adventure in my life. I'm no stranger to hard physical work and I've decided to venture into the world of trucking. I've been doing a lot of research into start companies (I.E. Swift, knight, C.R. England, etc.) and I'm honestly a little lost on which one too choose. I understand that I don't want to work like a slave which is why I'm paying for my own cdl but I still need to get experience. If anyone has some recommendations or can even point me in the direction of a better company that would be very much appreciated. Thank you for reading! By the way I'm based out of Northern Nevada in the Reno/Sparks area.

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