Profile For Nomad77 T.

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Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Need help with backing

1 or 2 attempts a day at offsets or parallels? I just went through school in May and I was getting about 10 or more a day of at least 2 or 3 different exercises plus road time. 1 or 2 a day is not enough. Where are you located?

Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Extremely new to trucking and need some advice




Thanks for the replies! I've been using all the material on this site heavily as well as the cdl permit practice tests. I'm not enrolled in my cdl school yet so I still have an opportunity should I choose too and go for a company sponsored cdl. I'm just waiting till after I get my tax refund in the spring to help cover my bills while away at school for a cdl. Do you guys have an honest opinion of Knight Transportation? Overall that seems like my most likely first choice for a company with Swift being second.



Not sure which school you're planning on attending but I will vouch for Desert Sparks Truck Driving School in Sparks NV. Patti the owner is a really cool and Jimmy and Pete both have plenty of real world driving experience with some of the larger otr companies. In addition the school is only a 1/4 mile away from the CDL DMV office on Greg street which is convenient.


That's actually the school I'm planning on attending if I decide to self fund my schooling. Do recruiters come to the school for immediate employment after you graduate?

There is companies that come by the school, some are long haul some are local. The trucks they use to train with are all retired long haul tractors(3 axle w/sleeper). plus they got an actual warehouse location with alley dock to practice on.

Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Extremely new to trucking and need some advice

Thanks for the replies! I've been using all the material on this site heavily as well as the cdl permit practice tests. I'm not enrolled in my cdl school yet so I still have an opportunity should I choose too and go for a company sponsored cdl. I'm just waiting till after I get my tax refund in the spring to help cover my bills while away at school for a cdl. Do you guys have an honest opinion of Knight Transportation? Overall that seems like my most likely first choice for a company with Swift being second.

Not sure which school you're planning on attending but I will vouch for Desert Sparks Truck Driving School in Sparks NV. Patti the owner is a really cool and Jimmy and Pete both have plenty of real world driving experience with some of the larger otr companies. In addition the school is only a 1/4 mile away from the CDL DMV office on Greg street which is convenient.

Posted:  7 years, 7 months ago

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Wet and reckless in 06.

Hi all, I'm a newly licensed cdl driver thru a local school. I'm trying to get a job as a local, line haul or intermodal driver. Some of the local companies are willing to hire and train new drivers. My question is regarding a wet and reckless misdemeanor conviction with dmv suspension from 2006. How much will this affect my chances of being hired being that it is over ten years old?

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