Merritt island , FL
Driving Status:
Preparing For School
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Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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Wow! Tons to think about. I was thinking about flatbed division because the exercise would be nice and the experience I feel would be useful down the road if I wanted something more local down the road. Through some of the research I've been doing the biggest benefit Is faster load/unload times. Not sure if they get as many miles or see as much of the country at prime as reefer.
Posted: 7 years, 7 months ago
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Curious to know if any of you have done both flatbed and reefer side of prime and which one you thought was better? I start prime soon and looking for more info.
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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I start Prime in two weeks
Well people I start my trucking career in two weeks at Prime in Springfield. I'm pretty excited. I have most of my stuff together and ready for the bus drive there (birth certificate, blanket, pillow, 5 days worth of clothes, phone, iPad, ect). I'm going to continue to study hard and give this 110% to I can pass everything the first time. I'm prepared to be gone for 2 months (8-10 weeks) this initial time out. Just making this as my log for training and just wanted to share.