Bellingham, WA
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Experienced Driver
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Construction guy with CDL thought I'd try trucking for a while. Now I'm too out of shape to go back to construction. Rats.
Posted: 5 years, 2 months ago
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Rookie Solo Adventure, thoughts, questions, vent, and ramble.
Hello to a fellow Hamster! Hang in there man, the first little bit was annoying and exhausting. I did a few reefer runs from here to Pharr (fun to say, but McAllen, Texas) before I said no more of this. So the boss got me a curtain van and I've been much happier doing construction materials. Lumber delivers in the daytime!
Posted: 5 years, 2 months ago
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Rookie Solo Adventure, thoughts, questions, vent, and ramble.
Worry monster, well said. I get that one, big time. A couple of years in and I only worry a lot, not every minute. You'll know soon if you can depend on your instincts to keep that trailer out of harm's way. Here's hoping!