Profile For Brian T.

Brian T.'s Info

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    Preparing For School

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    7 years, 7 months ago

Brian T.'s Bio

23 years old, work for a food vendor in town driving a cargo van and reefer van. Just got my Class A Permit! (08-17-17)

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Posted:  7 years, 6 months ago

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Time to take charge

I was just saying, don't knock it till you try it man. No disrespect intended. And from a standpoint of being in debt at the moment, yes I would rather spend cash than take out a giant loan. Regardless of the interest rate.


he's never done it but acts like an expert on the topic


I've been in the trucking industry for going on 25 years and I've been a successful business owner for over 10 years. I'm not acting like anything. I know what I'm talking about but please, feel free to prove me wrong if you like. I've challenged owner operators and lease drivers for many years to prove to me they're making the big money they always claim they're making, and never has even one of them been able to do so. Not one.


I'd rather wait like five years down the road and pay for a majority of it outright


So you want to spend all of your cash to start the business instead of financing the truck using the lowest interest rates in history?

But yeah, I'm the one who doesn't know what he's talking about.

Posted:  7 years, 6 months ago

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Have any of you heard of this technology? How will it stack up to current laws that prohibit following to closely?

Posted:  7 years, 6 months ago

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Time to take charge

So I actually read the article, after responding before reading it. I think it's a good perspective, and definitely gives people something to think about. Only problem I see with it is he says he's never done it but acts like an expert on the topic. I'd rather hear testimonies from people who have owned trucks, the pros AND cons of it, and then compare acts that with my future experience as a company driver. I have a lot to learn and go through before I ever actually make the decision to go truck shopping or just keep driving someone else's rig. Either way, thanks for looking out G-Town!

Brian...your comment about saving to buy a truck after a year of company driving? You might want to read this link...

Becoming an owner operator

Posted:  7 years, 6 months ago

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Time to take charge

That's why I said at least a year. I know how much to expect to make the first year, and obviously know that I won't be able to afford buying a truck after just one year. Could probably finance one with a decent down payment, but I'd rather wait like five years down the road and pay for a majority of it outright. I have no problem being a company driver.

I got my permit today! :)

Brian...your comment about saving to buy a truck after a year of company driving? You might want to read this link...

Becoming an owner operator

Posted:  7 years, 6 months ago

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Time to take charge

Thanks for the replies! I have checked out the High Road program and also used the Crist CDL practice tests. Been reading through the ND CDL Manual as well pretty much daily. I'm pretty confident next time I go in I'll be walking out with the permit.


Thanks for the advice man! I definitely plan on being a company driver for AT LEAST a year. I want to save up enough money to put a heft down payment on mine own truck, when that time comes, as well as get into a real home (I hate this apartment life) before making the jump to O/O.

Posted:  7 years, 6 months ago

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Prime training - how long will I go without pay?

This is really good to know, and I'm glad I've been studying the manual. Went and took my first go at the test today at the DMV here, passed General Knowledge but failed Combination. Thanks for the heads up as I am looking at Prime as one of my top companies I want to apply to soon.

Something to understand...there are NO classes for the permit test. You are responsible for studying prior to coming to Prime and you start taking the written exams the second day of orientation. Use the High Road program on this site and you will pass with ease. Some people think they will get classroom time to learn the don't.

High Road Training Program

Posted:  7 years, 6 months ago

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Time to take charge

How's it going everyone? I'm 23, been working virtually dead-end jobs pretty much since I graduated so I have decided to finally follow my dream and get my CDL. I've always wanted to drive trucks, ever since I can remember. Went and did my permit test today and passed the General Knowledge first try. Failed on the Combination so now I have to go back sometime this week when I get off work early enough and finish the Combination and Air Brakes. After that I will be putting apps with every company I can find that hires rookies. Moral of the story, IM READY TO MAKE A CAREER OUT OF TRUCKING. Wish me luck on my next go at the permit test. - BT

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