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Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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Sorry to hear about your friend. My father-in-law died from lung cancer. He retired, got diagnosed, and died all in the span of six months.
In addition to the serious reasons for quitting smoking, for every cigarette you smoke God takes one day off your life and gives it to Keith Richards.
Rob, that's some classic dark humor about Keith Richards! When he does finally die, no embalming will be necessary.
Keith Richards actually died years ago but no one had the heart to tell him.
Posted: 5 years, 9 months ago
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CR England Trucks With Three Bunks
Just so we are all clear on what is being discussed, "toxic masculinity" refers to men who see their masculinity tied to raping and/or sexually harassing women. It isn't about being a "manly man". The people who try to make it about being a "manly man" are lying to you.
A man who has to harass women, turn them into sex objects without agency or a mind of their own, isn't a real man. A real man treats people with respect. A real man doesn't need to run down others to feel better about himself.