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Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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Hey everyone, I'm just about to enter my 4th week solo driving. I've made it this far without getting seriously lost, I haven't had any accidents, andi haven't gotten any citations. Those were my 3 biggest fears about becoming a truck driver. My big problem right now is time management. As of now I've been late to several customers, can't seem to get ahead on anything, and twice now I've driven over my legal 11 hours, only by a little bit but it's still not good. it's been frustrating. Is this normal for new drivers? Any tips on how to better manage your time or is this something that will come with experience?
Posted: 7 years, 5 months ago
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Right turns without hitting curbs
Yeah I'm going through a school but they aren't going to do that I already asked, I just need to make sure my timing is perfect so I don't hit the curb or median on either side.
Posted: 7 years, 5 months ago
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Right turns without hitting curbs
Hey everyone, I went to test for my cdl today and I passed the pretrip and the backing without any issues, but it all fell apart on the road test. I failed the road test due to hitting curbs on my right turns, I was not happy about it. I'm really having trouble making right turns without hitting the curb with my trailer wheels, but I'm also having trouble not hitting the median with my steer tires. I know to hold it out to avoid hitting the curb but I can only go out so far because I'll hit the median on the other side. Any advice or tricks on how to get these turns down. It's really the only thing holding me back from passing my CDL test. I retest on Wednesday. Thanks
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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Time management
Thanks I appreciate it. My company is giving me plenty of time to make the customer I'm just not managing my time right, that's what's getting me. thanks for the advice.