Profile For Bethany M.

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Posted:  7 years, 6 months ago

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Which company would you suggest?

Hey Robert, thank you for your advice, I also have been looking at the benefits, I spoke with Prime today as a matter of fact, they stated that because I was terminated from my last full time job (even though I have had another job for 4 years, the same job) that they couldn't hire me for 6 months! I figured that they would be the best option for me as they had what I was looking for as far as home time, pay and benefits. I'm now looking at CRST. I need to get this ball rolling and can't wait for 6 months. I have my permit and medical card already, it really shouldn't be that hard to find a company that I could stick with but it's proving more difficult than I expected! C. R. England isn't off the table but the way the recruiter skimmed over the bad stuff is not what I'm looking for, I want upfront, clear answers and I am actually getting them from CRST and Prime obviously. I also understand that I will be gone for some time especially at the start however, C. R. England also stated that 6 weeks is the minimum you will be gone from start of first class to the first time you can even ASK for home time. I'm good with 6 weeks but there is no guarantee even after you ask for home time that you will be there until you finish phase 2. That's not just 6 weeks it's 12. That's 3 entire months, I can't go into this being gone from day one for 3 months. Honestly, that's kind of the minimum for C. R. England. There is always the possibility of being able to go home to get your permit and see your family for a few hours but it's not even close to a guarantee....

Posted:  7 years, 6 months ago

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Which company would you suggest?

Thank you guys for your advice! Errol, your info was extremely informative! I have decided to wait, as I finally talked to a recruiter that was upfront and didn't try to sugar coat it for me. Brett, I completely agree, I need to decide on the company I want to work for for a good portion of time before I go anywhere. From the day you get to class until you can even ask for home time with C. R. England is a minimum of 6 weeks. Not bad for someone with no home ties but as it is, I haven't seen my son in 3 months. He spent the summer with his dad and is coming back this Thursday. This is only one reason I decided to postpone leaving. I still haven't decided on a company, I also spoke with Prime and Swift. There are a few others that I applied for based on information I got on this website! Brett, THANK YOU! This site has helped me immensely! This is a HUGE decision for me and I really need to get more information before I decide on one company.

Posted:  7 years, 6 months ago

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Which company would you suggest?

I am getting my CDL but need the schooling a company would provide. I originally thought I would go with C. R. England but it has been hard to get information out of the recruiter that I am working with and I have read MANY horrible reviews about their home time. First question, what is the amount of time I would be gone from the first day of classes to my first home time day? I am actually set to leave for IN this evening but am considering delaying it a few days because I hear that Roehl might be a better option. I may also have an issue with the hair follicle test. I used to be a light marijuana user but have of course stopped using it entirely for a number of reasons. Second question, would Roehl even hire me? I kind of need answers fast! Thank you all for your time as I know this is a GREAT website for information and I value EVERYONE'S opinions! =D

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