Profile For Greg H.

Greg H.'s Info

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    7 years, 6 months ago

Greg H.'s Bio

I'm an experienced driver, not with loads of experience, but never the less, I do have experience. I went to school in 1993 and worked for almost a year with JB Hunt. So, I think this qualifies me as being experienced. ha ha, anyway. But, I'll put ' Considering a Career ', because it's been such a long time since I've driven.

I actually have around 23 years experience as a driver, but mostly limited to 4 wheels. Actually, 2 years of this was either driving a bucket truck for a tree trimming company or for another local company I drove for, driving a box truck. I really wasn't aware that you had to have a Class A to drive one of the longer box trucks. I think it has something to do with it having air brakes. Dun't know, didn't ask.... I don't think the company honestly knew.

So, I drove for Pony Express, yes the faithful ole Pony Express for 4 years, 3 years part time, and 1 year full time. Then I decided on the truck driving career. My dad also worked for Pony Express, full time. He pretty much got me my first driving job... which started my career in driving. And then we both ended up working for the same company again. Pony Express shut it's doors some years ago... In Irving Texas anyway....

The truck driving career only lasted around a year or so. I can't really pin point any one reason why I stopped driving over the road. I had a lot going on at the time. I lived in a Christian Ministry for a year and a half back when I was 21, and became highly involved in Ministry work. Not that I traveled a whole lot, even though I did go to Mexico a couple of times, staying there for around a month once. My involvement with Christianity/God grew and it led me to Trucking. I guess God wanted me to see the country side (That and the fact that I came home and got a job and the guy told me he hired me because I had experience driving over the road. He figured I could handle the route he hired me for). ha ha And then I came back home to pursue other things, a music career and furtherance in Ministry work. And one thing has led to another, and now here I am.....

Anyway, I've found myself in a little bit of a bind here lately financially, and only see it growing worse over time. So, I set out researching the trucking industry, and came across trucking truth. We didn't have all the luxuries of the internet back in the early 90's. I need to go to school because I let my Class A go a few years ago. Don't ask me why, I don't have a good answer to the question. Maybe I do need to go back to school. I'd love to learn everything over again, and anything new. Then there are the school cost, bills in the mean time, and of course the cost of living on the road. Sooo, I'm still researching my options.... And yes, I'm aware of free training from certain companies, but that's for companies I may or may not be interested in.

Mmm, well, I guess I covered the fact that I've been driving for a living for around 23 years. It's been interesting to say the least. I just can't shake the desire to drive the big rig. It's in my blood I think. I was good at it. I wasn't great at it, but good at least.

I don't believe I have anything else to add... this all about sums it up, the past 29 years of my life.... besides the fact that I worked mostly in restaurants before age 21. I didn't attend college, even though I did graduate from High School.

Ok, I'm done...

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Posted:  3 years, 5 months ago

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3 to 4 to 28 Years Later

lol, well, everything just sort of took a loopa ti loop.

Sorry, so late getting back to this, I've been super busy.

I did get hired back on with Swift, but we had a minor set back because they were still trying to verify my previous employer. That was fine with me because, I needed to bring my vehicle back home so someone here would have it to drive while I'd be gone.

Anyway, while waiting on that, my previous employer is contacting me trying to get me to come back to work for him.

At first, I told him that I couldn't because I was previously committed to Swift. A little more time passes and I decide to give him a call and we end up coming to an agreement or two.

So, there you have it then.

Good thing is that I did get a call from Swift and it was my DM from before I quit the first time. That was really cool hearing from him, we have history.

We got to talking and it seems that he agreed with what everyone else had been telling me, 'you need to be around for your mother', and, I guess I agree. I mean, she's not completely helpless so, I wasn't to much concerned with it, but still a little concerned.

I'm hoping all of this will work out. I'm sort of worn out just because of the changes. And, I have that unknowing feeling which can be unnerving.

Here's to changes, I guess. 🙂


Well, looks like I'm headed back to Swift on August 9th, they just called.

I've pretty much wrapped things things up around here. It took an arm and a leg to get it all done but, it's done. Well, I only have one thing left to do, working on it now.

I told someone that I would start a thread on backing. Well, I did start writing it one night, but I'm not use to using my laptop and I let my paws hang out all over the place, I hit some hot key or something and back we went to the previous page. I frowned and said, forget it, at least for now.

I'm not sure that I actually have anything to add to the backing, but I think maybe I do and a new thread on backing probably wouldn't kill anyone. lol

This was brought on because of a thread that had been started about someone having trouble backing and also because of my previous experience at my last employer. Lots and lots and lots and lots of backing at that company and in tight places. Well, it was actually brought on for more reasons so, it's been on my mind for awhile.

Anyway, I'm off to Lowe's to pick up supplies I need.


Greg, that's awesome to hear!! Go do Swift proud.

Do a 'backing' post after you get back in the saddle; we ALWAYS can use more backing practice threads!!

Erroll V. used to do about 1 x month.... we miss them!

Best wishes to you; will look forward to a Swift Diary, soon~!!

~ Anne ~

good-luck.gif good-luck-2.gif good-luck.gif

Posted:  3 years, 7 months ago

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3 to 4 to 28 Years Later

Well, looks like I'm headed back to Swift on August 9th, they just called.

I've pretty much wrapped things things up around here. It took an arm and a leg to get it all done but, it's done. Well, I only have one thing left to do, working on it now.

I told someone that I would start a thread on backing. Well, I did start writing it one night, but I'm not use to using my laptop and I let my paws hang out all over the place, I hit some hot key or something and back we went to the previous page. I frowned and said, forget it, at least for now.

I'm not sure that I actually have anything to add to the backing, but I think maybe I do and a new thread on backing probably wouldn't kill anyone. lol

This was brought on because of a thread that had been started about someone having trouble backing and also because of my previous experience at my last employer. Lots and lots and lots and lots of backing at that company and in tight places. Well, it was actually brought on for more reasons so, it's been on my mind for awhile.

Anyway, I'm off to Lowe's to pick up supplies I need.

Posted:  3 years, 7 months ago

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OTR training after being local?

Most likely... There are different things you have to learn about different companies. Swift for instance, a company I use to work for requires you to learn how to operate their quallcom. I guess I spelled that correctly.

You'd have to go through a week of orientation or a few days and then go out with a trainer.

They have what are called macs (abbreviated) on their quallcom. You use them to send messages, 'arrived at shipper', arrived at stop, .... a butt load more different ones. Running late mac... etc. You have to learn all of these.

Not to mention OTR is a whole different world than local. They want to see how you deal with running OTR. Being out and away from home weeks/months at a time can get to you.

And if your not use to driving through mountains, you need to know how. You can learn it in a book, meh, the book will tell you how to, but it's a different world out there. Snow, wind storms.....

Anyway, different stuff.

Posted:  3 years, 7 months ago

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Took me an hour today to get backed in today.

LoL, ok.... I had a good idea for what I was going to write. lol, I was awake for 40 hours for the past couple of days busy with other stuff, but I'll get around to it. :)


Ha ha, lol PackRat... any day you didn't hit something is a veerrryyy good day. :)

You'll get better as time goes on.

I was thinking about starting a thread on backing, maybe I should. It keeps coming up.



Erroll V. had one rolling with a (tm) logo around it, for quite awhile; it's not been added to for .. a LONG while. Would ya? Could ya?

I'm just a sponge around here.. as you know.. (Nope, I'm not Bob, haha! No square pants...atm...)

Just... a great idea, IMHO!

~ Anne ~

Posted:  3 years, 7 months ago

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Took me an hour today to get backed in today.

Ha ha, lol PackRat... any day you didn't hit something is a veerrryyy good day. :)

You'll get better as time goes on.

I was thinking about starting a thread on backing, maybe I should. It keeps coming up.

Posted:  3 years, 7 months ago

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Well my day is off to a rough start

Went to go drop my load off this morning and couldn't bump the dock to save my life. Itnwas small dock with no lines to follow there was about a 2 foot puddle of water infont of it but indimt feel like that's an excuse. Took me an hour to get in the door, the reciever was ****ed I held them up, I got my ass chewed out they took down my truck number and banned me from the place. I got my truck in the hole just fine, I just couldn't bump the dock straight everytime I was a couple inches off. I ended up sliding my tandems back to the front and had a very nice million mile driver from Knight came over and gave me a hand getting it in, and it took a few times even then to get it bumped straight. I had trouble the other day bumping a dock straight too, I don't know what's going on with me I'm usually way better then this.

I believe you. lol, The last place I worked for was pretty stingy about *their* time. It was a very, uh, how do I word it, crap, what's the word, let's just say, we were constantly on the move and didn't have time for delays.

Anyway, one of our offices was crazy. You had to jack knife into the dock. After you got backed in there was maybe 15 feet in front of you, if your tractor was straight. And you'd get in trouble with the business next door if you jumped the curb or hit their fence which had happened before. And, you couldn't pull a trailer out or back in if a trailer was sitting right next to your dock. Crazy.....

It was a pain in the **s to go in there at night, especially after a 14 hour day.

So, yeah, they had someone that took 2 hours to get backed in. They banned him from the place.

Posted:  3 years, 7 months ago

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Thoughts on making a company change?

I was on board with you going with JB until I read your last thoughts on it. Have you reached out to your employer and voiced your concerns. They might be willing to work with you. Otherwise, it sounds like the JB gig is what you were looking for. Mm, I don't think you should concern youself to much with only having 9 months in, just don't make a habit of it and have a good reason for doing it. On a side note, don't get burned out on the nightly routine. Make sure you are willing to run nights. You tend to run in to problems like, everyone else, family and friends, being up during the day and you never get to see them or spend time with them. Anyway, hopefully this is helpful.

Good luck!

Hello, I posted last year about getting into trucking. I meant to follow up on the experience by now, but 9 months in now a lot is still evolving.

I wanted to ask you’re opinion on this potential move. I very greatly wanted to wait until the first year but I have been running into many issues the past few months.

I work on a dedicated southeast regional, home Sat/Sun, sometimes Friday as well. The company has been fantastic. Friendly staff, great to work with, running a 2022 Cascadia. But, at the end of the day the miles count more. At first, I was averaging 9000 miles a month @44.5+4 monthly safety which is good for me. As time and more drivers are joining the route, I have had months with 8500, 8000, and now 7000 last month.

I can say that this is coming down to very short trips, (200-400) with dropoff the next day. Preload delays and also the nondedicated loads mixed in that has me at DCs for half the day.

I have two small children so I was looking into some local jobs out of Jax, FL. I reached out to about 10 companies, most offering about the same estimate of 55k a year. Will hear from more tomorrow after the holiday. Whether or not they’ll hire me up for debate with experience, but many didn’t require one year.

JB Hunt has reached out willing to hire about their intermodal home daily, 2 days off. The yard is close to my house and the shift is overnight 6PM-4/6AM Fri and Sat off. Seems like a great schedule. No traffic, hopefully mostly drop and hook.

I’ve been researching and people seem to take home of around 800-950+ towards my region. Amount is definitely up for debate, but also able to work a 6th day. The estimate from the company is 1050 gross. Honestly even the lower range is workable, with 900 being the sweet spot. Lately I’ve been taking home less than all of that.

I don’t mind the work, I enjoy quick drop offs and turnaround but I still feel comfortable with what I’m doing now in this phase of being a new driver. I may be home only 1.5-2 days but I’m not tired when I am.

Any thoughts are much appreciated. Thanks

Posted:  3 years, 8 months ago

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3 to 4 to 28 Years Later


Nice read, Greg H.

You sound somewhat like my guy. He drove 'random/rogue' in the late 1990's .. and got 'legal' in 2003. Got burnt out on OTR with Transport America, FX/LH, and got an intrastate tanker gig almost 'handed' to him.

When 'that' folded, he got in with a local/intrastate Ohio company, FAB Express...and will probably retire there. The liberties & the pay are pretty much perfect for his (our) needs. He's got a mom in an aftercare home, too.

Only YOU know which route to take, but I sure wish you well, and hope you update as to what you decide! Have you looked into LTL? It's the 'rave' around here lately; might be what you need/want?

Pretty sure Swift would take you SOOOOOO back, with little to no 'kerfuffle' .. IMHO!!!

Wish you well, good sir.

~ Anne & Tom ~

Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I'm a bit concerned about my next step. I don't want to be jumping from job to job trying to *figure things out*. I honestly was planning on retiring at this last job, but it just didn't work out that way.

There's a lot going on in my life right now and like I mentioned before * a load of things* that need to be done. I made a lot of headway in that department lately. So, yaaaa....

And, thanks for the input, I'll take it under advisement.

Ha ha about Swift. Swift isn't so bad, not near as bad as people try to make them out to be. I explain Swift to people this way. They have a really great foundation that needs work. And, perhaps good employees to get in there and help make it happen.

On a side note, I made a lot of good friends at Swift.

Anyway, :)

Posted:  3 years, 8 months ago

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3 to 4 to 28 Years Later

I put 3 to 4 to 28 Years later because, I originally got my class A back in 1994 I believe. Went to trucking school and everything. I don't think they had paid training back then.

My roommate and I worked as janitors at the school to make extra cash while attentending. That was funny, he mentioned doing janitorial work and I perked up and said, 'hold on a minute, how do I get in on that?'.

I lasted a whole year driving OTR for JBHunt. Those were crazy times. I decide it best to come home and try something local.

Anyyyyway, I ended up with a few different companies throughout my driving career which has been fun and joy, 1.8 million miles of fun and joy, blood, sweat and tears.

I drove a bucket truck and goose neck for one company, a straight truck, box truck, regular 4 wheeler trucks, cars and vans for another company. I drove independent 4 wheeler for another company. After all of this I started having problems hanging on to my license, life in the fast lane, ya know. After this everything slowed wayyyy down for me.

I ended up taking a short or long'sh break from the driving career, and I ended up letting my Class A go. I figured I'd had enough, after 25 years. But, as my discussion with God went, " I don't ever want to drive again", he evidently had different plans.

I ended up going back to trucking school (paid or pay as you go) and then going to work for Swift Transportation.

Everything went really well with Swift. I mean, ups and downs, but over all well. I have a clean record and 4 Years total OTR experience, not to mention 28 Years total driving experience.

Ok, so, which brings me close to the end of this piece.

My mother had been needing hip surgery for a few years so, I figured I would kill two birds with one stone. I would take a short vaca while caring for my mother after her surgery and look for a local gig ( which had been the plan all along). I actually went 2 years and 8 months with Swift, which was a whole lot longer than I had intended to.

I ended up getting hooked up with a local company, with my nieces husbands help and off we went. Ha ha, it was right after the snow and ice came through. Four of us stuck in traffic backed up for miles. It took us 8 hours to go 120 miles.

That job ended a few months later with my mother saying, " I told you so. " I was hoping that it would work out, but the company was, how do you say, sketchy.

SO, back to square 1. I'm giving going back to Swift somewhat serious thought, I'm just not hooked on the whole idea.

The money was good running local, which is something I liked. Don't get me wrong, I did pretty well running for Swift, but it wasn't quite as much.

Anyway, so, here I am, taking a hiatus or going on hiatus or whatever proper grammar would be. I'm hiatus y'all.

I was hell bent on going fishing and have been doing just that. It's been 4 years since I've been fishing and I was going. Not to mention, I had a load of stuff needing to be done around here which I've been doing.

So, it's all good, I guess.

I have family and a good hobby here at home which is one reason I'm dragging my feet a bit getting back to work. I could somewhat do my hobby while driving OTR, but the whole "leaving family" sucks. Not sure if I'm willing to do that again for months at a time.

I tried running dedicated with Swift, but that wasn't for me. I was told I could run local because, I'm within a 150 mile radius of where I'd be running local from. I'm just not sure running local would make the money I need to be making right now.

Anyway, decisions, decisions.

Posted:  3 years, 8 months ago

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Gaming and Trucking

Go Old School.... when I trained for Swift it was very annoying for a student to be playing on their phones or whatever device. Soooo much to teach, sooo much to learn.

I finally got to where I would make the student leave their phones in the sleeper birth.

And, so many times I would keep telling students, ' you need to study'. Of course, they never listen and after driving they'd be playing on their phones or talking to someone. Annnnd, of course, when it came time for them to do something I would be like, ' you should know this stuff by now '.

Soooo much to learn guys and gals. Don't take this career for granted. You should be paying attention 100% of the time.

I would tell students, "I'm going to repeat myself a few times, I don't mind because, I know it's a lot to take in, but I'm going to get angry if I feel if though you're not paying attention and not doing everything you can to get this stuff."

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