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Preparing For School
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Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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How to lower blood pressure before DOT physical
Just took my first DOT physical and passed. I take BP medicine, potassium, magnesium, baby aspirin every day and it does not help if you are nervous about your blood pressure. As soon as you walk into the doctors office, bam, high blood pressure. When they first took mine it was 150/85. I had taken my blood pressure 2 hours before I went in and it was 124/72. I took a picture of the reading on my phone to save for the doctor in case I got white coat syndrome, which I did. I showed the doc the picture and he said that if he had a $1 everytime someones blood pressure went sky high when they came into his office he would not need to practice medicine ever again. He took my blood pressure manually again and I took a few deep breaths and closed my eyes and relaxed and it was 128/70. Just be honest with the doc, and everything will work out fine, but if you do have hypertension, get on the medicine because a stroke is not something you want. Nothing like having to have some one change your diaper and feed you because you were too stubborn to take the medicine.
Posted: 7 years, 5 months ago
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How many questions are on the cdl permit test?
Just got mine in Texas, 50 questions general knowledge, the rest are 20 questions, they won't let you take the hazmat and doubles/triples until you pass your skills test, but you can take the rest of the endorsements. You have to wait 14 days after you pass your written test to take the skills test. You also have to have your DOT physical before you take the learners permit test. Cost is $25.00.