San Antonio, TX
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Company Driver In Training
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I'm in my late 40's and have decided to pursue a career as a truck driver. I completed CDL training at SAGE Truck Driving School in San Antonio, Tx, and passed my CDL Skills Test (2nd attempt) on 9/11/2017. I accepted a position as a Regional Driver with Schneider and started orientation on 9/19/2017.
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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I went out and bought a new duffel bag and now I am trying to figure out the most efficient way to pack it in terms of 4 to 6 weeks of class necessities, clothes...
Think in terms of one week, just 7 days worth of clothing. Some clothing can be worn more often than others, shorts and pants for instance. You don't need 7 pair of each, a couple of jeans and a couple of shorts would do just fine. Maybe even three pair of each. Then you'll want one or two seasonal items, but think in terms of layers for when it starts getting colder. A long sleeve shirt, long sleeve hoodie, and a medium jacket would keep you warm in almost any weather type. If you do bring a lot more of extra stuff, give it a couple of weeks and see what you haven't used up to that point. More times than not, you don't need it weighing you down. Regarding the food and other utensils, maybe someone else on here has a better idea on what you should bring as I'm not sure where to begin. But the subject probably has been discussed and you should be able to do a search for what you need in these forums.
Good luck with training, enjoy the ride!
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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CDL Skills Test Passed Today, Second Time Around
Today was attempt #2 at the skills test and I'm glad to report that I passed. My first attempt was last Thursday, September 7th, at 10am. The pre-trip and air brakes test went without a hitch. My backing maneuvers, straight line and offset, Were just as practiced, no problems. Then came the parallel parking. My approach was good, my angles seemed to be smooth, and I thought for sure this would be just another day for me as it was in the practice yard. Unfortunately as I backed the trailer into the box, I stop and take a look outside my driver side mirror expecting to see the rear left cone, my trailer is sticking outside the box to my left and there's no cone in view. Thinking I pushed my trailer in too shallow and my drive tandems in too deep, I pull forward and left, out of the box, then turn right to regain my angle. As I attempt to push the trailer back into the box I hear the first of many whistles during that brief attempt at parallel parking. Either my trailer was in too deep, or my tractor encroached the cones, and I never regained the proper angle. The box was getting smaller and smaller after each passing minute, until the last whistle and the tester came around to the drivers door. Hoping she was going to miraculously pass, but knowing the obvious truth, she said, I'm sorry to inform you that you have exceeded the number of points on your maneuvers and you must come inside to reschedule your test.
Fortunately I was able to reschedule my test for today at noon, due to a last minute cancellation from another driver for the same slot. Otherwise it would have been another month before the next available appointment at the DPS (DMV, in Texas).
I took the opportunity to come in on Sunday and practice my parallel parking for a few hours. The director of our CDL school met me out there and he went over my mistakes in detail, then showed me how to properly recover from them. During my drives in training I learned how to parallel park almost immediately and had not made any mistakes, which was a major reason why I wasn't able to get out of the jamb that I put myself into last Thursday.
Today was much different and my thought process and maneuvering execution was much more methodical and not so much fluid in motion. I was nervous, to say the least, but I put into practice what I had learned the day before, had one whistle blown at me but It didn't stop me from putting her in the box, perfect on all sides. The drive portion was performed with ease and upon re entering the test site, sticking the rig in neutral and setting the parking brakes, a huge sigh of relief came when the word, "congratulations", left the testers mouth and flew into my ear.
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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Congrats Chandler, good luck with TMC and your upcoming orientation. TMC is on my short list as well and I'm talking with a recruiter now. What was your lag time from the date you got your cdl and your orientation date with TMC?
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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SAGE Truck Driving School, San Antonio
Best Pan de Polvo? I'm not sure, but I know every H E B has them and they are good. I don't know where you're from but in most parts I've been to finding a good breakfast taco is near impossible. Check out Ric Ron's Taco Shop for the best picadillo and carne guisada you'll ever have. Bill Miller's is also a staple...not the best BBQ but it's a long standing south Texas tradition for a lot of people.
I agree, so far, It's HEB with the best pan de polvo in this area...I might have to get some shipped from further south in the Valley for a wedding coming up. As far as breakfast tacos go, there are plenty here in SA...two to mention in my area of SA would be Taquria on the corner of New Guilbeau and Tezel roads, along with Chacho's off of Bandera Rd in Leon Valley.
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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SAGE Truck Driving School, San Antonio
It's totally up to you but a number of us enjoy reading the day-to-day stuff. I check the training logs first thing every morning. I've got about a year till I make the switch and I love reading about what you guys are going through.
Thanks Han Solo Cup, but I've never been one to extend my thoughts or experiences in too much detail. I figured if anyone has a specific question regarding SAGE in San Antonio, then I'd be more than happy to reply with what I've experienced.
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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SAGE Truck Driving School, San Antonio
Thanks Paul, where can I get the best "pan de polvo" in San Antonio?
...so if you need any recommendations on anything let me know.
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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New Guy Here... Questions about Schneider
Hello Dennis,
Regarding your first question, I too, am receiving VocRehab benefits from the VA and am currently in CDL school. We had a recruiter from Schneider come and visit us a few weeks back...I asked him the same question, "Would I still qualify for tuition reimbursement even if it was paid for via VA's VocRehab program?". He stood there and said regardless of how it was paid you would still be eligible for the $200 reimbursement.
Not sure how much weight his statement holds, but we may find out as I have them on my short list. Good luck!
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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SAGE Truck Driving School, San Antonio
See also: Sage Truck Driving School Review
I started the CDL course through SAGE on July 24th and I'm currently scheduled to take the skills test the first week of September. The first two weeks of training was mostly in classroom, getting thru 26 chapters of the book they use (7th edition, can't remember the long name off the top of my head), along with a few on-hand demonstrations of semi-tractor/trailer pre-trips.
After completing the classroom portion you will be scheduled to conduct eleven 4hour drives, one on one, with an instructor. These drives will probably not be consecutive days as the skills testing site here in San Antonio (The Department of Public Safety - DPS) is currently backlogged for CDL testing. But, your last few days of driver training with SAGE will usually butt up to your skills test date.
I won't do a day by day account of activities that I went through while attending SAGE, as I would rather bore a random stranger with an insurance sales pitch than the fine members of Trucking Truth, lol...but I will answer most questions regarding the topic.
Y'all have a great day😉
Posted: 7 years, 5 months ago
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Hazmat Endorsement Successfully Taken Under 21
Check the link below, it might clarify the answer your looking for.