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Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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Flat bed or Dry Van or Melton over DART or Crete?
Old School,
thank you for the insight, I know it looks bad the amount of time that I came back into trucking, it was a little over a 1 1/2 years. Maverick was a good company, remember in 2007 APUs were not a common thing on trucks. the problem with maverick was their trucks were set not to idle. I couldn't Idle and about froze to death. Then I went to Knight, I worked for Knight for about 2 months, and about starved with them. I don't know if it was just bad timing but I barely got any miles. I then went to Melton. They were a good company, didn't have any problems with them. Made good money and good miles, and I enjoyed working for them. will continue on the next tread:
Michael, welcome aboard!
Hey listen, I'm never short on words, and you have triggered a good many thoughts that I want to share with you. Please bear with me. I genuinely want to help you get back in the driver's seat.
I am trying to figure out the best company to drive for.
You said quite a few things that throw up some red flags as far as the way we try to mentor folks and help them have a good understanding of how to not only start this career, but also to be successful at it.
Almost everyone starts with the same premise that you have, trying to figure out "the best company." There is no "best" company out there. Somehow, through the manipulation of social media and internet review sites, there is now this general consensus, which is considered by most folks looking for a trucking job, that the only solid way to make a good start in this business is to start with "the best company." Fortunately we prove that theory false every day in here. What I mean is that we have really successful truckers in here who have started at just about any of the major carriers in the country. We have several very successful drivers in here who have started with Swift! Imagine that would you? You probably are thinking that I am out of my mind at this point because you probably have believed all that silly nonsense online about Swift. If I have got you pegged, don't even worry about it, I'm only saying these things to try and make my point. Which is, that you are starting off all wrong if you genuinely want to be really successful at this career. We have some very successful drivers who have decided to stay at Swift, and are making some great money there, all while being treated like the true professionals that they are. By the way, I started my very successful Western Express.
Here is what I found troubling in your post. It sounds as if you worked for three different companies, Maverick, Knight, and Melton, during a time period of just about one year. What happened during that time? Please don't tell me that they were treating you badly or you didn't get the respect you deserved, because we have drivers in here at all of those companies, and we know that they are all three great places to work.
Anybody that says they don't even know why they would be interested in Crete for...
no real reason, just heard they have a good reputation
gives it all away that you are taking the total wrong approach to this. We try to teach people that the company you go to work for has nothing to prove to you. All of the major trucking companies are some of the top companies on the continent - they know what they are doing, and they have some of the best of the best keeping them running properly and profitably. This whole business is performance based. That means that each individual driver measures out his own success at this. You will determine whether you do well at Melton, Dart, Swift, Knight, or just about any trucking company you go to work for. We've got a lot of great information here on our site that will help you get this all figured out. Please take the time to take a look at these links...
We are glad you asked your question the way you did. It only helps us see how we can help you. People get all irritated with me for not really answering their question in the way they asked it, but I will usually just go straight for the best answer I know, and I hope that doesn't offend you. If you can bring a strong work ethic, a willingness to get along with others, and an understanding that you hold the key to your success, you will do well at any of the companies that you mentioned. Now you just need to decide if you want to pull a flat-bed, a van, or a reefer.
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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Flat bed or Dry Van or Melton over DART or Crete?
Hello Truckers, My name is Mike and I am getting ready to retire from the Military. My Military career was split up at one time, just like my trucking career. I first joined the Army in 1988, left in 1995. Then went into trucking. started with a company called Victory Express, they got bought out in 1998. Then went into a factory for about 8 years. in 2007 went back to trucking, Maverick, Knight, and Melton. Left again in 2008 because I was in the National Guard and they offered my a full time (AGR) position that I couldn't pass up. Now 9 years later, I getting ready to retire and going back to trucking. I still have my CDL but I am trying to figure out the best company to drive for. I have narrowed it down to either Melton, (who I worked for before), DART because they have a terminal near Louisville, KY where I live, or Crete Carriers, (no real reason, just heard they have a good reputation). I have to choose a company that has the military apprenticeship program, or I would be throwing away GI BILL free money. Hope everyone has a safe day.
Anyone have any thoughts about these three companies?
Trucker Mike
Posted: 7 years, 6 months ago
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Why do so many people get booted out of trucking? This is why...
I gave up my CDL 3 years ago, big mistake, a least in KY if its been less than 5 years, you only have to retake the written test. so.. I retested last week and after using your help I passed it with flying colors. Thank you for the help.
as for the guy who thinks he doesn't need to study the whole CDL manual. I hope he doesn't get behind the wheel, he is the type of loser that makes it bad for the rest of us. this why the government is forcing ELDs on truck drivers.