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Posted: 7 years ago
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Approaching an expiring green light - coast or start braking?
If you are approaching an expiring green light and it's ready to turn yellow at any moment... how do you handle such a situation? Do you slowly start braking, coast or accelerate?
Also, I know this is off-topic, but do you know if you can you have html tags in the subject line for lets say to make a word italicized?
Posted: 7 years, 1 month ago
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Learning to drive a truck from youtube
Is it not a crock to learn how to run a dump truck transmission from youtube? Shouldn't truck schools teach you everything? A class-B program, they do their testing/ learning on school buses, doesn't teach you how to drive a manual transmission like those on dump trucks, that's a CROCK! How are you supposed to drive a dump truck without the knowledge from truck school? I was told "you took too long" when I tried out for a job driving a dump truck. The transmission was unknown to me so I took longer because I tried to figure it out, also, because I'm short, I had to manually change the mirrors so I could see everything, so that took additional time too. You have to learn from youtube, so sad, these types of things are what I don't like about trucking schools, I don't know anything about the big companies like Schneider National or Swift Transportation, speaking specifically about local schools...thought I'd share this happening with you guys...thoughts, comments or suggestions please...
Posted: 7 years, 4 months ago
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Poorly designed road/merge/on-ramp
I got an Class A CDL instead of a Class B CDL because there aren't any Class B CDL schools where I live. All though I am a dump truck driver and I have a Class A CDL, I'm sure some of the links you provided will come in handy not only for Class A drivers, but for Class B drivers as well.
By the way, do you happened to know why my topics weren't approved?... They weren't political or anything, just truck related. I think I brought about some good questions. I guess some folk don't want to hear reality, even if it can help them.
Posted: 7 years, 5 months ago
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Poorly designed road/merge/on-ramp
G-Town - Just want to get some questions answered.
Posted: 7 years, 5 months ago
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Poorly designed road/merge/on-ramp
Where do truckers fill up?
Posted: 7 years, 5 months ago
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Poorly designed road/merge/on-ramp
Here is a stretch of road that needs upgrading. This on-ramp merging with the highway I-77 is in Charlotte, NC exit 6b. The dotted lines are marked waaaay too far in the ramp to merge with traffic; the solid white lines are where the dotted lines need to be. Roads are built with trucks in mind, so I guess who ever made this ramp really didn't do their homework.
Posted: 7 years, 5 months ago
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Shifting gears in a Dump Truck
There are a few short off-ramps in my city, dangerously short; the shoulder is too narrow for the truck to go through and bad planning from NC DOT. I can't imagine trying to merge with highway traffic in a tractor trailer on one of these off-ramps. There is probably a list of off-ramps that all truckers avoid. Any advice as to how you should proceed if you encounter these types of situation?
Posted: 7 years, 5 months ago
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Shifting gears in a Dump Truck
I cant see pedestrians on my right, when stationary, and I can't see pedestrians if they're right in front of the truck either. So what do I do with these blind spots?
Posted: 7 years, 5 months ago
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Shifting gears in a Dump Truck
Let's say you're going 50 mph in a Dump Truck, and you slow down because of a red traffic light , now going 30 mph. You need to downshift. How do you know which gear you're supposed to be in at that speed?
Posted: 7 years ago
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Approaching an expiring green light - coast or start braking?
Thanks guys, very useful.