Shell Knob, MO
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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Married couple getting into team driving
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Driver heading for our finisher- absolute needs/supplies for training
Thanks so much guys! We are nervous but excited to finally be close to this stage. Anything else you think of let us know please! Thank you again!
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Driver heading for our finisher- absolute needs/supplies for training
Hi everyone! First off, thanks for all the help and knowledge found on this site. My hubby and I graduated crowder, and will be heading out with our CFI finishers as shortly after Christmas. (We hope!) We do not want to over pack. Basic needs- besides sleeping bag, pillow, heavy coat, gloves. Any advice is very much appreciated. Once again, thank you, you guys and gals are amazing.
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Andrea, my husband and I are almost done with the three week training at Crowder College Transport through CFI. He tested out yesterday, I hope to test out Tuesday. The instructors at Crowder are great. Very fast paced, but doable. My husband had his class B, and years of backing experience. I, on the other hand, had no backing experience. At the end of two weeks, I have had several high scoring road drives, and my backing skills are coming along nicely. I still dread the parallel, but can get it done with a mid eighties score. The apartments are nice, but it is a long walk across campus to the classrooms and cafeteria. Also, very windy in Neosho, and cold right now, so layers, heavy coat, and gloves are very necessary. Overall, we are very pleased with our experience so far, and hope to be in Joplin at CFI for orientation late next week. Gotta run, back to studying pretrip lol Good Luck!!!!
Posted: 6 years, 4 months ago
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Living in the cab, what is that like?
Big Scott, where did you get your fridge and how much was it? Our recruiter was unable to answer that. We go to trainco through CFI first week of December! But I am a planner and trying to get a sense of what we need once we are in our own truck. Also, what size sheets??? Is the satellite radio package the good package? (Sports, news, etc....) Lol
I have company provided satellite radio. Love it. I have my phone for most things. I watch movies on my laptop. I have Straight Talk for phone service with unlimited data and use my phone as a hot spot. No time for TV so I don't have one. I have a microwave, small fridge and George Forman grill for cooking. I clean the grill plates and utensils in the sink in the shower room. I carry a small bottle of Dawn in my shower bag. I keep all bottles of liquid in zip lock bags. My truck has curtains that wrap around the inside of the windshield. When closed, I'm in my apartment. When open, I'm in my office. My truck is equipped with an inverter for 110 power.
Posted: 6 years, 6 months ago
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Hi, don't want to steal Big Scott's thunder. lol Team starts at .51 split.
Thanks Tarheel! Any fuel/safety bonuses?
Posted: 6 years, 6 months ago
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Hi everyone, We learned today that Prime will not hire due to my husbands felony. Spoke with a CFI recruiter on Big Scotts recommendation. Somewhere in the conversation we forgot to ask the CPM for teams. Anyone know?
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Looking for guidance from Prime Inc drivers
Thanks for the advice everyone. We are keeping our options open. Big Scott, does CFI have a company review or training info on trucking truth? I can't seem to find it, but I know they have had several changes in the Last few years. What info I have found is positive. Thanks!
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Question about Prime inc one year contract
Hi Alycia M. I asked the head of Prime’s Security Dept. He said he’d look up your hubby’s record & let you know if this would be an issue. Please contact me at reynrod@hotmail.com. Instead of me being an intermediary, I’ll tell you what he needs & get you his contact info.
Thank you so much. We just basically need to know if we are barking up the wrong tree. I will send you my email.
Posted: 6 years, 9 months ago
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Team Training: The Fear And Misunderstanding - article by Rainy
Rainy, you are awesome. I only hope I am lucky enough to get a trainer like you when my husband and I make the jump, hopefully to Prime, within the next few months. I am nervous, but the hubby keeps encouraging me that I can do this. Easy for him to say, he has had his class B for 30 years, and I feel he will transition pretty easily. We want this so badly.
Posted: 5 years, 12 months ago
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Calling Big Scott!
Hey Scott, I wanted to say I think we saw you at the Wilmer terminal! I was going to say thank you in person for the referral to CFI, but your curtains were pulled, and we had to roll. We are loving the company so far, but ready for winter to be over. I do have a personal question to ask you though, regarding a student who was in our class in December and still has not found a finisher. Can you find me on Facebook and message me when you get time? Alycia McCullough, Shell Knob MO. Thanks Scott!!!!