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Posted: 11 years, 4 months ago
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Household Movers Guide or PC Miler vs Practical Miles
Sorry, I've seen this topic somewhere but don't know how to search the forum. I'll start training with Schneider soon, just learned I won't get practical miles. How much money will I lose on household mover or PC miler?
Posted: 11 years, 4 months ago
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Household Movers Guide or PC Miler vs Practical Miles
Old School, your response was insightful. I've been reading various message boards and I do believe it's making me a bit paranoid.
Also the CDL school instructor kept trying to steer us toward certain companies, which happened to pay practical miles and he made a big deal out of it.
I was feeling foolish for not asking Schneider how they pay, but I would have gone with them regardless because of their reputation as a good starter company. My biggest goal right now is to learn as much as I can and nail down the basics, so I'll try to keep that goal front and center.