Profile For RealDiehl

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    Woodstown, NJ

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    Experienced Driver

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    7 years, 6 months ago

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Posted:  5 months, 4 weeks ago

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We would love to hear your opinions on the coaching experience!

I'm unsure of how to answer some of the questions. When asking about what kind of coaching I've received is the question referring to routine, required training like quarterly training videos...or is it referring to additional training/coaching aimed at correcting a pattern of bad habits recognized by the truck's camera and/or other safety features?

Posted:  5 months, 4 weeks ago

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Moving from California to New Jersey

I know that it took forever for me to respond.

No worries. Hopefully your experience makes you a good candidate and that you get a response from Barr-Nunn. Keep us posted.

Have a job before you quite the job in California it is 10 times easier to get a job in this industry when you have a job.... People along I 95 are different

Good advice, and I have no idea what you are talking about at the end of the comment🤔 😅

Posted:  6 months ago

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Moving from California to New Jersey

I'm not sure what questions to ask, honestly, but it does want a driver referral name

No problem. You might in the near future.

I probably should have asked a couple questions of you now that I think of it. I don't know what kind of driving is involved in agriculture...what kind of trailers you've pulled, if you ever had to sleep in your truck, what kind of backing maneuvers you had to learn, etc.

If your job duties were way different, then Barr-Nunn might choose not to hire you. For that I apologize. We do not do any training for new-hires. And like i said i'm not familiar with the kind of driving you did. Never hurts to apply though. It might give you a better idea of the requirements needed for driving a dry van or reefer.

There are many companies that offer on the job training that will help you become familiar with the duties required for OTR/regional driving. Also LTL companies like FedEx, Old Dominion, ABF. We have drivers here who work for these companies as well. You can post a new topic asking about these companies and they will be able to provide with information about them.

Posted:  6 months ago

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Moving from California to New Jersey

Hello, Jeffrey, and Welcome to NJ (when you get here).

You can check out Barr-Nunn transportation. We appear to be hiring drivers at a pretty rapid rate. Once a week we get emails and QC messages asking us to refer drivers. Northeast regional is available. I currently drive Northeast regional. I get home on Friday and head out on Monday. We send in our home time request at the start of every week. So if I decide I want an extra day to earn more money, I can simply put in a request to end my week on Saturday and head out on Monday as usual.

Here is a link you can check out. Obviously you should explore all options. This is just one of many potential companies. Please feel free to ask questions and I'll respond when I can. I'm about to start my day now...

Posted:  6 months ago

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Swift vs Schneider for a rookie?

Congratulations on earning your CDL!

Where in the country are you located? I only ask bc some drivers here who worked for either of these companies might have some info on regional or dedicated route opportunities in your area.

But that's for later. The important thing for now, as I'm sure you know, is to develop the good habits to make yourself a safe, efficient, and reliable driver. Let us know what you decide.

Posted:  6 months, 1 week ago

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Drive away niche help

ATC ATC Driveaway & Transport

I had no idea what driveaway is. I found a site that gives some information in case anyone else wants to know what it is.

Posted:  6 months, 1 week ago

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Looking for Wilson Transportation Lease Purchase OTR operators to talk to


Do you know if Wilson offers a company driver position? I heard kearsey mention that Prime is hiring only LP's. Since Wilson is affiliated with Prime they might be doing the same thing with new hires.

We all know the pitfalls of a new driver starting as a LP. Just want to know if there is an alternative for Paul (op).

Posted:  6 months, 1 week ago

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Trying make up my mind if I want but out my contract and leave WEI or not

That is a long list of gripes. Some more info might be needed to clearly understand your situation and offer you good advice.

Often times when we get a post like the one you just posted, their is a lot of missing information. Also, many people who leave a laundry list of complaints turn out to be a major part of the problem themselves...And they don't like to hear that. So if some drivers here seem a little rude when they respond, keep in mind that they are asking questions or giving you advice to help you. Just be honest.

Here's some questions you can answer that might help us help you:

Did you sign a contract as a lease driver, or are you a company driver?

Is your Trainor a lease driver/owner operator? (Company drivers should never have to pay for anything...fuel, repairs, etc.)

Some of your complaints are ones I've never heard of before. I'm not saying you are lying. I'm thinking that maybe you are misunderstanding some of your company's policies.

There are drivers here who have worked for Western Express. Please keep that in mind when providing information about your situation. They will know if you are leaving something out, whether intentionally or accidentally.

Posted:  6 months, 1 week ago

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8h sleeper rule

I was just struggling to understand what the question was. Somedays I just feel stupid. I want to help but I'm not following along very well

If only we were all so "stupid"...😉

Yeah, Davy. That def could have been the question too. Hopefully we came up with enough answers to cover all possibilities.

Posted:  6 months, 1 week ago

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Safe or Not?

I saw this in front of me on the road today. I'd never seen a flatbed load like this leaning in this way before.

Or maybe I have and I failed to notice it bc it was not directly in front of me.

So would you recommend keeping some extra distance between you and this load. Or is it not a problem. Thoughts?


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