Profile For Simon D. (Grandpa)

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    Goldsboro, NC

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    Rookie Solo Driver

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Newbie.... well....sort of....... here we go again! :-)

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Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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Advice needed to start this career

Hey there,

I run exclusively reefer and wouldn't have it any other way! Lol

The longer runs and longer times sitting at shippers and receivers work perfectly if, like me, you want to use the 8/2 split break to maximize miles.

But then again, admittedly, I'm nuts....πŸ˜›πŸ˜œ


Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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20 Signs You Might Be A Serious Truck Driver




I'm fascinated by this post. The OP was 32 yrs old and working a minimum wage and only had a drivers license a few months before coming to the forum. He couldnt understand why more driving experience would be required.

His next post listed why he didnt like CRE and how even though he wasnt out of training yet, he was leaving after the 9 month contract was up and taking 3 mos off from OTR life because after only a few months he was tired of it.

He went on a long explanation that reefer drivers have their time wasted when they forget to fill the reefer, have to prime it and then wait for the road assist people to get then to a ThermoKing. Do your darn job and that wouldnt happen!

He then questioned us as to whether he would have to tell future companies of his accident. DUH!

Sir, you have no right to compile a list such as this that yes can be funny in some ways and totally offesnsive in others.

If veterans.... who spilled blood for.our country and suffered through things you couldnt ever possibly imagine and would cower in a corner and cry for your mommy over....if they want to decorate their trucks, then damn right, "God Bless America and thank you for your service" is what they should hear. not something that makes them sound like immature boastful.children.

not to mention you are sexist assuming all drivers are men. i dont usually throw the feminism card out cause i hate it. but reading this shows you have little respect for truckers and im sure even less for women. Plus, you are so green, you dont have the skills to out truck me.



ABSOLUTELY!!! Hit the nail on the head as per usual Rainy!

To the OP....while I did in fact realise that this post was mainly in jest, it actually makes you sound like a ****y newcomer to the business who, upon gaining a licence, believes he has it all figured out!

The posts re: Veterans and non-Americans are, at best, borderline offensive and the latter verges on racist!

Humor is greatly appreciated in this forum, but not disparagement of folks, most of whom have done more miles in reverse than you have going forwards!

I don't really believe for one moment that you were trying to offend anyone, but would respectfully suggest that you consider your words a little more carefully in future.

Keep it safe out there.


Simon (A non-American



Come on Simon, Great Britain is not really part of Europe. It is just a couple islands off the coast of Europe. ;). j/k


Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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Prime and Proud


β€œIt’s 9 o’clock on a Saturday,...the regular crowd shuffles in...”


Haha... how many of these youngsters in here will get that reference? That was good G-Town!

"There's an old man sitting next to me...

Making love to his tonic and gin."


These.days, I believe I'm beginning to be the old man! 😜

Nice one G-Town! πŸ‘πŸ₯ƒ

Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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Hello, I need help finding cdl Training. [request from a very obnoxious dude]


Just ..... Wow!

The very epitome of self righteous, self-pitying BS!

But; on a positive note, it gave me a good laugh for today;


As for the rest of you 'cry babies and 'trash users'......

As you were!

Lol πŸ˜œπŸ˜›πŸ˜‚

Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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My Maverick Transportation Diary

Big congrats!


Enjoy the feeling and stay positive!


Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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20 Signs You Might Be A Serious Truck Driver

I'm fascinated by this post. The OP was 32 yrs old and working a minimum wage and only had a drivers license a few months before coming to the forum. He couldnt understand why more driving experience would be required.

His next post listed why he didnt like CRE and how even though he wasnt out of training yet, he was leaving after the 9 month contract was up and taking 3 mos off from OTR life because after only a few months he was tired of it.

He went on a long explanation that reefer drivers have their time wasted when they forget to fill the reefer, have to prime it and then wait for the road assist people to get then to a ThermoKing. Do your darn job and that wouldnt happen!

He then questioned us as to whether he would have to tell future companies of his accident. DUH!

Sir, you have no right to compile a list such as this that yes can be funny in some ways and totally offesnsive in others.

If veterans.... who spilled blood for.our country and suffered through things you couldnt ever possibly imagine and would cower in a corner and cry for your mommy over....if they want to decorate their trucks, then damn right, "God Bless America and thank you for your service" is what they should hear. not something that makes them sound like immature boastful.children.

not to mention you are sexist assuming all drivers are men. i dont usually throw the feminism card out cause i hate it. but reading this shows you have little respect for truckers and im sure even less for women. Plus, you are so green, you dont have the skills to out truck me.

ABSOLUTELY!!! Hit the nail on the head as per usual Rainy!

To the OP....while I did in fact realise that this post was mainly in jest, it actually makes you sound like a ****y newcomer to the business who, upon gaining a licence, believes he has it all figured out!

The posts re: Veterans and non-Americans are, at best, borderline offensive and the latter verges on racist!

Humor is greatly appreciated in this forum, but not disparagement of folks, most of whom have done more miles in reverse than you have going forwards!

I don't really believe for one moment that you were trying to offend anyone, but would respectfully suggest that you consider your words a little more carefully in future.

Keep it safe out there.


Simon (A non-American


Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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Can a DOT medical examiner require my full medical and/or mental history record as a condition to passing the physical?

OMG...terribly sorry Rainy. My face is bright red right now.

That’ll teach me not to review more thoroughly!!!

BTW, the new photo is terrific.

"Laser like focus"....

"Laser like focus!"....

Just sayin'!




Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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Prime CDL Training


missed the paragraph marker...obviously! lol

And Best wishes....not beat!!

Lord I'm tired!! lol

Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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Prime CDL Training




This sucks..... im in bed recovering and youz guyz are torturing me lol

have fun



Hope you heal up fast, how much longer are you expected to be out?


Rob, im.not sure. had a slight surgery complication so think i may stay out longer than originally planned. probably the end of sept or so. just in time for snow in CO and WY with my new automatic that i dont want lol

thanks everyone for your well.wishes.

Beat wishes for a speedy recovery Rainy πŸ‘

And don't worry about the Auto thing....

You'll be killing it in no time, ya do now...... and wondering why you were worried!!

I've been up n down all the major passes lots of times with no problems..... set your speed, set the different really..Promise! lol



Posted:  6 years, 6 months ago

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Question in regards to the 8/70 clock

Thanks for all the replies. Big Scott will check out the link. Thanks.


We refer to the hours you get back as recaps. I save my clock for driving. At the end of week when you start recaps you will get it back if spent on duty at customer or driving. If you are pulling refer and you have 6 to 8 hour load and unload times, you may want to master the 8/2 split. Here is a link to my thread, Recaps explained in pictures. I hope that helps.


The link should be required reading for all newbie drivers........especially if you are going to be pulling reefers.

My ex-teammate, Chris, has made me send copies of my pay settlements for the last 6 weeks to him, simply because he would not believe that, except for the first week, when I only ran 3700+, I have run in excess of 4000 miles each week since we parted company! He claims it is not possible.....Being an expert with 8 months driving experience, he would know...of course!! LOL

I love reefer work because it fits hand in glove with 8/2 splits... I can't remember off the top of my head when I last shut down for a full 10 hours. I use 8/2's constantly to keep moving and I also nap as much as possible when on the door at receivers and shippers.

It's not always easy and the erratic sleep schedule is not for everyone, but if you really like to keep moving....master it; it pays dividends if done right.

As a side note; For the month of July, running solo, I ran only 1100 miles less than Chris and his new teammate ran total! As a consequence, my pay was about 60% higher than either of them achieved.

As bad as it may sound, sometimes it feels so damn good to be able to say, "I told ya so!"


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