Richland Hills, TX
Driving Status:
Rookie Solo Driver
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I'm 24 from from FortWorth, TX .Got into trucking for the freedom,adventure, and of course the money.
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Prime Inc. Solo Company Driver Pay 2018/w Checkstubs
If you had kept going, it looks like there is a large parking lot just up the road. You might have been able to turn around there
That's actually what I was trying to get to but endednup turning early and going into the dead end where the big red marker is.I didn't see the second turn and assumed that path looped around to the parking area.Nope.
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Prime Inc. Solo Company Driver Pay 2018/w Checkstubs
Hello everyone. I've got another batch of check stubs for every week of November. I did pretty good this month.There was a bit of a setback a few days ago.I took a wrong turn into a dead end and made a bad judgment call to avoid having to back up the curved hill i had come down. Something possessed me to try and turn around in the grass which resulted in me having to call for a pull out after the tractor sank and I had myself stuck in a muddy mess.That was a $500 lesson and I still had to spend nearly an hour afterwards backing up through the pitch black curve in the middle of the night. But I cannot complain about anything else.This month went well.I have been fortunate enough to avoid the winter weather. Don't think i'll be able to say the same over the next couple of months haha.
11/02 and 11/9 are less than normal due to hometime taken 10/30- 11/2 11/30 is less than it should have been due to the $500 pull out
$4618.18 Net $5,527 Gross
Here is a link to a One Drive folder I will continue to add my check stubs to
Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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Prime Inc. Solo Company Driver Pay 2018/w Checkstubs
@Michael P. Ah nevermind.I saw your screenshot.
Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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Prime Inc. Solo Company Driver Pay 2018/w Checkstubs
I blocked out any personal information and any thing that Prime could potentially follow back to me such as trip and item and numbers. Juuuust in case.
@IKnowImAwko FYI: The shared google drive document shows an owner name. Hopefully that is your alias and not your real name. Thanks for sharing your paystub, it's very good info.
Yikes! Thanks for the heads up.I'm not seeing where it is but I changed the name on the account anyway.
Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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Prime Inc. Solo Company Driver Pay 2018/w Checkstubs
I am totally guessing, but the part highlighted in blue looks to me like detention pay (270 minutes - $67.50) and Safety pay ($0.20 x 900 miles, though that would mean they rounded up). I could well be wrong. The extra penny is a puzzler though.
I called payroll to confirm this and your right!Those are my detention pay and safety bonus. That's what I was thinking at first but I thought our detention rate was $20/hr and it wasn't adding up.
Detention is $15/ hr but can vary depending on the shipper/receiver.
I think she said my safety bonus is applied to miles over 2,000 at 2CPM instead of the normal 5CPM because I had a service failure on one of my first two loads but after a few weeks of on time deliveries it should go back to the full amount...i think.I wasn't hearing her correctly and didn't want to ask her to repeat a 3rd time.
Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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Prime Inc. Solo Company Driver Pay 2018/w Checkstubs
Hello everyone.This was a big question I had before coming to Prime and what i'm sure anyone who has ever applied to a job wants to know.
How much money am I going to make?!?!
Well I have been solo for about two months now so I will post a breakdown of 2 months worth of check stubs. My first 3 will be a less than normal since I had so many deductions from purchasing the required materials before leaving for my first load, and took all of the loaned money I could during orientation.I came in flat broke. It made a pretty decent dent in my take home. Which is another thing to keep in mind.If you are going to take advantage of these advances for items when you get your truck. They will come out of your check as a $25 deduction every week, $25 for the advances in orientation, and $50 for chains .So I owed for the items I purchased at the company store/shop,chains and the loans i received during orientation that's a total of 100 every week.If you also need the sleep study that will come out as a $50 deduction every week but I was in TNT so long it was paid off before I went solo.
Please keep in mind that I am single with no dependents , claiming no exemptions and having 10/week extra taken out to make sure I do not owe come tax time, so the take home could be a bit different for you.
CPM I am a company driver in a light weight truck.From what I understand the breakdown is; .36(base) + .05(light weight bonus) + .01(raise for hitting 80,000mi). So my check stubs show .42 cpm. Then my non taxable per diem of .08 is added.This comes to a total of 50CPM. Not bad for a newbie. A .05CPM bonus is applied to trips that pick up and deliver in the north east region.
Stop Pay $20 for anything between the 01 and 90. So if I have an 01, 02, 03 and 90, I will receive $40 in stop pay for that trip.
Fuel Bonus This depends on average MPG at the end of the pay period. The fuel bonus can range from .017CPM at 7.75MPG and .082 at 10.75MPG. I get my fuel bonus most weeks and normally hit 7.75 - 8.25MPG. I can't see getting 10.75 MPG unless your going snails pace on the freeway.
My Pay I received my truck on 9/3/2018 and got my first load on 9/6 going from Rogers, AR ---> Mountville, PA.I'll start from there. I too lazy to edit every stub so I will post my first solo check stub and the most recent one, then give a snap shot of all the others.I blocked out any personal information and any thing that Prime could potentially follow back to me such as trip and item and numbers. Juuuust in case. The snapshots may be a bit off.I did not include some small bonuses because I have no idea what they are for.Payroll puts some random abbreviation by them and I keep forgetting to call and ask.If anyone from Prime knows what the part highlighted in blue means please let me know.
This shows with the right dispatcher and the will to run there is money to be made here once you get the hang of it! I hope this will encourage someone to take the leap from the struggle bus ^^
9/21 3 Trips all in the north east region + .05CPM 1,438 miles No Fuel Bonus Gross 840.86 Taxes $165.56 Per Diem 115.04 Deductions 174.54 (chains,company store/shop,seat removal,orientation advance) Take Home $458.24
9/28 3 Trips 1 of which was in the north east region + .05CPM 2,333 Miles Fuel bonus 46.67 Stop Pay $40 Gross $1,095.44 Taxes $241.05 Per Diem $186.64 Deductions $100 Take Home $936.03
10/5 *4 days of hometime* 1 trip 1,102 Miles Gross 511.66 No Fuel Bonus Taxes $98.33 Per Diem $90.56 Deductions $100 Take Home 402.89 10/12 4 Trips 2,361 Miles Gross $1,540.50 Detention Pay $375...I think?. 125 added onto every trip Fuel Bonus $61.4 Taxes $373.01 Per Diem $188.88 Deductions $100 Take Home 1,222.37
10/19 10/12 3 Trips 2,489 Miles Gross $1,104.55 Fuel Bonus $45 Taxes $243.76 Per Diem $199.92 Deductions $156 (orientation advance, I had payroll pull what I owed for the company store/shop and chains) Take Home 904.72
Posted: 6 years, 3 months ago
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Congrats on taking the first step towards your new career Kim! I have been with Prime for 9 months now and it was a rough start but once I went solo and the checks started coming in I looked back and realized it was all worth it.If your ever ready to throw in the towel during PSD or TNT just think of the sweet freedom you will have when it's over.
Posted: 6 years, 5 months ago
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Intro,Upgrade Time, Ease My Backing Anxiety
Also, plan where you will stop for the night every day you can shut down before 16:00 will make it easier to find parking. If arriving late to a truck stop and it looks full, drive to the back. You can never GOAL too many times. Good luck.
I will definitely be doing that.Some truck stops are a nightmare after a certain time,especially the northeast.Honestly if I can i'll avoid them all together unless it's time to fuel. Now that I'm on my own, I'll park at rest/parking areas as much as possible.My trainer didn't like them because he couldn't get food but I plan on keeping things on the truck to save time and pounds.
Posted: 6 years, 2 months ago
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Thinking about CDL and OTR trucking..
Hi Joey
Getting into trucking is surprisingly easy.The good/bad thing about most big starter companies like Swift,Prime, and C.R. England is that they will take anyone with a pulse for the most part. When I applied with Prime I was amazed at how easy the process was.I was thinking it took a lot to start driving a tractor trailer. When your ready start talking to recruiters ask about the company paid training,home time,pay,and what you need to get started.The process will go faster if you are prepared. I might be biased but Prime has a good training program and better pay than most starter companies.Of course that depends on your trainer,i've heard horror stories. If your concerned about the life of being OTR check out YouTube.You can find a few bloggers who share their experiences.But the gist of OTR at Prime is drive,eat sleep haha. As Susan said they're not very big on home-time.If you choose refer you'll have a decent amount of downtime at shippers/receivers to watch TV,play video games,read,workout what ever you need to do with the 2-3 hours your stuck to that dock.