Profile For Glen S.

Glen S.'s Info

  • Location:
    Register, GA

  • Driving Status:
    In CDL School

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  • Joined Us:
    11 years, 5 months ago

Glen S.'s Bio

I'm an entry level student currently attending CDL school at ogeechee technical college in Statesboro GA. Upon graduation I will be relocating to Delhi, NY.

I have been hired by Roehl

I can be reached either on here or at email

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Posted:  11 years ago

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Told to drive when it's obvious you're too tired.

Ok, i watched it again and got it partially wrong. He didn't have a load but he could have still driven to where he was going to pick up his next load. It's not really clear to me how far he had to go after dropping the empty for the next load, I don't know if it's a few miles on a much further distance. At any rate, our jobs revolve around the freight. Basically from the company viewpoint he just had 20 hours off and wasn't ready to drive because he was sleepy and tired. Still, he should have made objections during that 2nd ten hour break if he couldn't sleep and handled it in advance. Additionally, if you really have to stop because you are tired wouldn't a qualcom message stating that in writing be better than a phone call? I don't think they would have pushed so hard if the request was made in writing and could easily be verified and documented.

Thinking on this real hard. so he slept a good nights sleep, was awake for 10 hours and couldn't stay awake longer? I don't know about him but I'm usually good for at least 20 hours without getting sleepy after getting a good nights sleep. So does this guy require a sleep cycle every 10 or 12 hours? He wasn't awake that long after that good long rest was he?

I watched this video when it was posted on youtube and my take on it is this.

If you are tired, sure, don't drive, it's not safe.

I find fault in the driver for being hooked to his next load and then sitting out another 10 hours before driving.

To me if you had that much time, after trying to rest of a couple of more hours and not able to sleep, then that would have been the time to call dispatch back and say,

Hey, I just had a 10 hour break and got lots of sleep, I was put on another 10 hour break and can't sleep. Since I already have my load, why don't I just start driving, get near where I need to be, THEN take that next break if I can't deliver early.

It certainly seems like sometime in that second 10 hours that the problem could have been addressed rather than just waiting it out. How many companies are really gonna complain you want to get the load there sooner, even if it's scheduled for after you arrive. It's not like he had to go the the delivery site, he could have driven and found a place to stop a few miles away then gone on his break.

That's my opinion on it.

Posted:  11 years ago

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Told to drive when it's obvious you're too tired.

I watched this video when it was posted on youtube and my take on it is this.

If you are tired, sure, don't drive, it's not safe.

I find fault in the driver for being hooked to his next load and then sitting out another 10 hours before driving.

To me if you had that much time, after trying to rest of a couple of more hours and not able to sleep, then that would have been the time to call dispatch back and say,

Hey, I just had a 10 hour break and got lots of sleep, I was put on another 10 hour break and can't sleep. Since I already have my load, why don't I just start driving, get near where I need to be, THEN take that next break if I can't deliver early.

It certainly seems like sometime in that second 10 hours that the problem could have been addressed rather than just waiting it out. How many companies are really gonna complain you want to get the load there sooner, even if it's scheduled for after you arrive. It's not like he had to go the the delivery site, he could have driven and found a place to stop a few miles away then gone on his break.

That's my opinion on it.

Posted:  11 years ago

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Starting school next week, better not be smokers.

I suspect the original poster was purposly trying to get a lot of agitated responses just to stir up some controversy.

grin, well if that was his objective it worked. I've found it fun and entertaining.

Posted:  11 years ago

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Starting school next week, better not be smokers.

Complaining about people smoking in trucking is about as useful as going into a bar and complaining about people drinking. No offense but if it's that critical to you perhaps you should consider another profession or accept the world isn't willing to go by your standards no matter if they are right or wrong.

Lot of things I don't like but I accept I can only control my own actions and understand I can't control other peoples choices.


Posted:  11 years ago

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How do you get mail or packages while on the road?

I've spent a great deal of time in the forums and learned all types of useful information but this is one topic I have not seen mentioned. I accept I'm starting a job where I'm always going to be on the move and never know where I will be next nor how long I'm going to be gone from home. None of this is really a concern for me.

What I'm wondering is, if a relative, wife, friend, child, etc or anyone wants to send you anything, be it a card, letter, or a package how can you possibly figure out where to get it sent so that you can get it in a somewhat timely manner. Say, a week or so after it arrives? Sending things home is easy but being so mobile is it even possible to have anything at all sent to you?

Any information on this would be appreciated. I am going OTR so it's doubtful I will be on any type of route where I can count on being any particular spot every couple of weeks or so. Wondering if it's a case of, send it to the house and I'll get it when I get home.

Thanks, Glen

Posted:  11 years ago

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Davey and CDL

Dave, you may think I'm crazy, but I want to challenge you to forget about even looking at that Texas CMV handbook. Trust me on this - you're going to ace those exams just by using the High Road Training Program and you're retention of the material will be there whenever you need it. I hope you'll take my advice, because I can guarantee you it's solid and proven.

I fully endorse this post. Only two of us in our cdl class came to class with learning permit in hand. I only studied the material on this web site, taking tests over and over till I had all the answers. Prob about 12 hours work testing. I went and took my test including all endorsements except hazmat (they won't allow you to take that) and I passed all the tests with flying colors. Took me less than 30 minutes to do them all.

Many thanks to the High Road Training Program. It was certainly a hit for me. Going for my CDL road test in less than 2 weeks now. Wish me luck.


Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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Received my job offer from Rhoel

Glen congrats sir!!!!! I haven't regretted for one second coming to Roehl. I know I'm still new but been with them through school and hired on since Nov 4 and met lots of folks already. The instructors in Ellenwood are great folks. I'm sure you will enjoy working with them. The hotel they put you in is extremely nice as well. Not sure why you would want to leave Ga for Ny, but ok. We have tons of NE freight in van and flatbed I know, not sure on refer. I can give you a contact if you want that was a refer division FM. She can give you the ins/outs of that fleet if your interested. I'm doing an eastern dedicated now and am loving it. Feel free to PM me if I can help with anything.

On relocating from GA to NY. It's not really my desire to relocate to NY but I recently got married and my wife is from that area. She has two children from a previous marriage that I now consider my own. She was born and raised in NY and it's her desire to return there and raise the children in that area. So, since marriage, in my opinion, is a lot of give and take that you try to keep equal I have agreed that for the next 9 years or so until the children graduate high school that we will live where she wish's to live. Once the youngest graduates high school then at that point I can choose where we live. I'm currently thinking of the Eden NC area, a nice home in the mountains perhaps and that would put us both approximately half way to our respective home areas. This will also happen right around the time I am reaching retirement (if I do) age.

Thank you for all the kind words and advice. I would appreciate that contact info for the refer division FM. It never hurts to know what to expect in advance.


Posted:  11 years, 1 month ago

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Received my job offer from Rhoel

Finished all the preliminary background checks and was offered a job with Rhoel Transport. I'm looking forward to orientation in Ellenwood as soon as I finish my CDL School in late February or early March. I'm opting for the refrigerated fleet but may switch to flatbed after 6 months or so. My home will be in Delhi NY after I start. I would be very interested in hearing from other Rhoel drivers and learning all I can from them.

If time permits I will write a day by day of my orientation as well as my training. I'm confident I have picked a great starter company that has the potential for being the only company I will have to work for. Going to give it my all and I enter this with no expectations other than being given the opportunity to work and prove myself.


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