Henderson, CO
Driving Status:
Company Driver In Training
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No Bio Information Was Filled Out. Must be a secret.
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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My second adventure was coming out of what seemed to be mountains in Tennessee, and in one night I had snow, rain, fog, ice and grades. Boy was that fun. And right as we were coming out we had a stretch of curves that big trucks weren't allowed to be in the left lane and we're behind a truck going extremely slow, but I figured maybe it's the first time for him too in these kind of conditions. Finally, after that little stretch, I was coming up on a bridge that was definitely icy before the road was. I was going fine at about fifty five (speed limit for everyone including four wheelers) but then I saw some headlights racing towards me from my left and out came this little white Toyota pickup going about seventy five and he hit the concrete barriers like a pinball and I was able to come to the a safe stop about thirty yards ahead of him (his pickup was in my lane, facing me by this point) I noticed his lights were completely done for and set my brakes, turned on my hazards and called the cops. After failing to be able to move his truck, I decided to stay in the lane until help arrived because all it took was for on person not paying attention to miss his truck in the road and hit him so I stayed there.
Other than that, I've mostly just been driving and driving. Had my taste of Jersey City traffic, spring break Atlanta traffic (ugh, right at the end of my shift too) and a good deal of mountain driving.
Don't have any complaints really besides the fact I wish I cod get a couple days home time before I go company but my trainer's a lease driver and I don't wanna cost him money. I really miss my wife, especially today where it's just me in truck.
Well, that's all I can think of for now, I am promise the next update will come faster! Thanks guys!
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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Alright guys, sorry about the long wait for an update! It seems like I've been rolling nonstop with a lot on my mind until today, I have a little breather. My trainer is spending the day at home so I'm spending the day in the truck stop and I wanted to take the opportunity to update you guys and gals on my journey.
Starting with Springfield, I had to take the sleep test for sleep apnea but I cleared and I'm good to go (just a little payroll deduction for the next couple weeks). Unfortunately, before I could request the trainer I had met through this forum, they had already lined me up with one when I was still on the greyhound. He's a good enough guy, but I'll put more emphasis on this aspect after training.
My first week out was a hard one. I still grinder gears, but that's much better now. The big loop was going from learning to downshift to my desired gear (gear by gear) the to just pushing in the clutch and braking until I reached a satisfactory speed and recovering into the appropriate gear. I had huge issues with this beginning. In California I had an off ramp onto another interstate that was an up hill loop and I just felt out of control with the speed of the truck and lost concentration. Nothing bad happened but it wasn't my prouder moments. Now, I'll slow down and get into the appropriate gear before any loop so I can worry about acceleration in the curve if needed.
Posted: 11 years, 11 months ago
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So I had three quarters of my update and I lost all of it and my sleep study results appointment is in thirty minutes, so be patient with me ladies and gents and I will try my hardest to get an update to you tonight. If everything goes good, I'll be with my trainer tonight and I'll type it up before I go to sleep whenever that is. Don't lose hope, I'll be back! I do have to say, I'm gonna have to get used to the tight schedule of a lot of waiting, but I'll fill you in soon! Thanks guys!
Posted: 11 years, 11 months ago
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Dan! I'm here too, just did my sleep study cause I'm over weight, but I have my appointment and two thirty today. Hopefully I'll see you around! If everything goes good, though, I should be leaving this evening with my trainer.
Posted: 11 years, 11 months ago
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Alright, today is Sunday and I'm currently packing for my Denver orientation tomorrow which will be followed by another orientation in Springfield, Missouri.
Tonight, I'm mostly packing and sorting things out. My emotions kinda got to me today. For those who don't know I'm a young married man. I've been married to a beautiful woman by the name of Mariah since I was 19 (almost two years). I love my wife very much and I trust her even more, so there's no issue with the trust. It's just the distance will be tough but our living g conditions were even tougher.
I know it'll be completely worth it when she can begin to live comfortably. And down the road, when I have the right opportunity to go local, I will and life will be even better. For now, it's my duty to get out there and work as hard and as safe as possible.
I'm pretty stoked otherwise to start my driving career. My head is racing! And I just had my 21st birthday party last night so I got to say goodbye to a lot of my distant family (don't mix sugar/cake with drinks.... Ugh).
This will be all tonight, if you have any questions about my private schooling, shoot me an email burnside.justin@gmail.com because all of that is on the old forum. But I will do my best to log my journey with Prime to become a solo driver. Have a good night everyone and see you tomorrow!
Posted: 11 years, 11 months ago
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Ernie, definitely shooting you an email! Thank you for the opportunity! I gotta say it's pretty cool to have a better chance of getting a trainer you know isn't in it for the money! And I will probably start a thread on there tonight because I would really like to help as much as possible and I love to write! I'll see everyone there!
Posted: 11 years, 12 months ago
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Man it's been a loooong week and I'm exhausted, so I apologize for not going into too much detail. But if any potential students have questions, feel free to ask!
Anyhow, today, but I took my driving exam which included pretrip and alley dock. Man, was I nervous! (Maybe cause my instructor is bigger than me haha... Not used to that concept). I made mistakes I hadn't made since day 2 of driving, but I did well enough, but I will redeem myself at orientation. I was so nervous my instructor told me my lips were white! (I get dry mouth bad when I'm nervous.) To make things better, at the end my instructor said, "Today, Justin, unfortunately... Your passed." I hit him :). He did the same thing with an overpass we went under. He asked me what the bridge said so I said low clearance. Then he says, second sign. And I panic trying to remember. I stuck with low clearance and was right haha!
But anyways, I have my CDL now, scheduled for Orientation at Prime on Monday. Can anyone tell me what orientation drive tests are like? Are they a little less nerve wrecking than exams?
Posted: 11 years, 12 months ago
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Thanks guys! And I tried the brake thing and I think it may have been the problem. Rightfully so, our instructor stressed heavily on no rollbacks and I don't think I trust the clutch enough.
Posted: 11 years, 12 months ago
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My school had us test the brakes before this procedure so you don't have to wait for the pressure to build back up to resume testing. But this sounds exactly like what I just did, maybe just worded differently, but I'm not gonna say how. That's the last thing you would need. Just stick to how the school is teaching you for now, and it sounds like you're doing great!
Posted: 11 years, 10 months ago
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I swear my adventures as a trucker take the cake:)
I hit the same traffic in GA and couldn't figure out why on a weekend until we ate at the TA a couple blocks from the customer and all we could see was out of states with college apparel on. It was killer for my first major traffic. Even through LA on 101 wasn't as bad.