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Preparing For School
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Preparing to go to CDL training school
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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Headed to training on 1/3/18. A little nervous I must confess
Well,we made it to the hotel. Starting training in the AM. Gonna do my best to keep you all updated. Thanks for the help and good vibes.
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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Headed to training on 1/3/18. A little nervous I must confess
Thank you guys so much. I am very serious about this as I gave up my management job to better support my family. I have been reading the links and working on the tests supplied here. Thank you all for the support and advise. My training is company sponsered and I will hopfully be hired on wit USXpress.
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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Headed to training on 1/3/18. A little nervous I must confess
My buddy and I are heading to cdl training on the 3rd. It is Ace Academy, MTC I believe. Nervous about leaving my wife and family,but excited to get started. Oh,I also worry about who my trainer will be. Any pointers or good vibes welcome. Thanks. Hope to keep you all updated. Greg
Hi Greg.
I'm new to all of this too... But from one rookie to another; my advice is simple..
Disregard the trolls, haters, terminal rats and others that spew venom on numerous other forums....most of them appear to be 'big rig' wannabes that couldn't hack It!
Read and re-read everything you can on this site...there is a verifiable mountain of knowledge and wisdom here....take advantage of It!
Use the heck out of the High Road Training on here...it's truly excellent!
When in school, at orientation and when with your trainer; Open your mind and ears and close your mouth....except when asking pertinent questions of course. lol A wise man once said that we have two eyes and two ears but only one mouth for a good reason - one should be looking and listening at least twice as much as speaking! 😜 A cliche, I know; but true nonetheless!
Feel free to read my training/orientation blogs...look them up on my profile. Shameless plug I know, but I've had such a blast that I want any and all to know that it is possible to get through this with a positive outlook! So forgive me, please?
And lastly, welcome to this amazing website!
Cheers and Happy New Year to you 👍
Thank you Sir,I will check out your profile,and look forward to learning all that I can,and hopefully make a few good friends on the way. Thank you again for the info,and the reply.
Posted: 7 years, 2 months ago
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Headed to training on 1/3/18. A little nervous I must confess
My buddy and I are heading to cdl training on the 3rd. It is Ace Academy, MTC I believe. Nervous about leaving my wife and family,but excited to get started. Oh,I also worry about who my trainer will be. Any pointers or good vibes welcome. Thanks. Hope to keep you all updated. Greg
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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Start training the 3rd of January. Very Nervous!
I'm trying really hard to not get to worried about everything, but it is difficult getting into something like this, so many variables,so much unknown. I'm working my way through the cdl training here on this site,and doing ok, but does anyone have any other pointers on what I should be studying up on prior to going to training? Thanks in advance,I am thankful I have found you guys.
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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Start training the 3rd of January. Very Nervous!
Thanks guys,I wish you guys the best also,maybe we will cross paths in the near future. Thanks for the comments and the tips.
Posted: 7 years, 3 months ago
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Start training the 3rd of January. Very Nervous!
Hi guys and gals,I'm new to the forum. I will be heading to training the 3rd of January. I am very excited as this is something I have always wanted to do,but at the same time I am so worried about my wife and family,and being away. They are supportive, but Ive never been away from my wife. Anyway,wanted to say hello,amd maybe looking for some reassurence. Thanks, Greg
Posted: 7 years ago
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USXpress Trainers?
I have some questions,please let me know if you are a trainer.